
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 261 - Thursday 9/18/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic pasta bag - recycle
  • 1 glass pasta sauce jar - repurpose
  • 1 plastic milk jug ring - recycle


Anonymous said...

Wow, I literally justy Stumbled on here and I thnik this is amazing! I hope you suceed! I'll be checking on you ;)

Anonymous said...

Good Stuff!

Summer Puente said...

Love the concept.

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Dave - great blog, so inspiring!
How do you recycle the plastic pasta bags? We recycle every plastic that is #1 or #2, but so many plastic pasta bags do not show a recycling symbol.

Dave said...

Hey Jane,
Thanks for the note. We're really lucky here in LA http://365daysoftrash.blogspot.com/2008/09/la-recycling-and-not-knowing-how-good-i.html

Consume Less, Conserve More!!!!!
