Today's Haul:
- 1 beer bottle w/top - recycle
- 1 instant pudding box - recycle
- 1 instant pudding packet - garbage
- 1 sticker from fishmonger - garbage
- 1 toilet paper roll - worms
One man's attempt to throw nothing "away" for a year... and beyond.
Today's Haul:
Another from Wired (via my buddy Aug) about greenwashing. Discusses things like Comcast's marketing campaign of paperLESSisMORE and then points out how they blanket cities with paper promotions for their products. Poland Springs "Eco-Bottle" is made of plastic. How is this good for the environment? The Airbus 380 claims they create a "better environment inside and out". This is a plane right?
My buddy Augie just sent me this cool article from Wired magazine that explains how a photog from the magazine made the Tie Fighter you see on the left from 50 Starbucks coffee cups and a whole mess of plastic stirrers. If he's anything like I was as a kid, there's probably about 8 tubes of modelling glue and a pound of human skin to boot....but I digress.
Today's Haul:
I've been meaning to post some Care2 stuff that I've written for a while but have been remiss. Here's a link to all the things I've written for them so far. The most recent is a piece on how to avoid coffee waste (cups and otherwise).
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul: