
Monday, September 19, 2011

Don't Throw Out Those Old Cellphones!

If you are like many Americans you get a new cell phone every year or so.  I won't even go into the need/reasoning behind this, but if you do, there is still a need for your old cell phones.  Check out 10 Places To Donate an Old Cellphone for more than a few ideas and re-use, re-use, re-use!



Dani said...

Great tips for recycling. There are so many people who can't afford phones and so many phones that are in excellent condition by the time the next version comes out and they are replaced, it only makes sense to recycle.

Dani @ ONNO hemp clothing

Colby said...

I like the option of being able to donate your old phones to US soldiers who could get a better use out of them. :-)

Bri Trumble said...

I like the way that instead of throwing out the phones in an unmannerly way, there is an alternative. Here I thought that if I would just put my old cell phone to the store, that it would be taken care of. There are many things that go behind this. I would rather give it to a better cause such as giving them to the soliders once they are fixed and usable again. I know when my dad was overseas, it would have been nice for him to have a cell phone so that he could call us whenever he wanted to. Now that times have changed...drastically, I would like to have more families take advantage of sending the phones to the troops so that instead of going weeks with out talking, due to lacking a phone, to days. These top ten ideas are really an eye opener that anyone will be able to do! Thank you for pointing them out to the public! :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea to recycle old cell phones. It gives us opportunities to help out charities, to help out unfortunate people who aren't able to afford cell phones, and especially to keep these unwanted electronics from building up in various dump sites which can cause harm to our environment and the people around them.

eatrice said...

I love the idea of reusing and recycling cell phones! instead of throwing it away and feeling bad ican practically donate it to someone who actually needs one!

Rhiannon Graham said...

I really like the idea of donating your old cell phones for a better cause.When you thimk about how much cell phones are being discarded every day, these options are helpful to other people so why not donate your old phone instead of just throw it away? its helping the environment and our troops, elderly, and etc.
by donating your phone i also think you will feel good knowing that you are contributing to a good cause.

Joel said...

dipsosing of cell phones can lead to poverty in places less fortunate than us

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of not throwing out old cellphones because it actually relates to just about every person now in days. Yes we benefit from getting a new cellphone but also we can do away with our one properly and help the environment(: Gahhhh! I love the idea of being able to donate things for them to become others!

Ishmael said...

I think recycling your old cellphone is a great idea! We just recently got a whole new set of phones, and donated all of our old ones to Green


I think it's so neat how you can dispose of your old cell phones while still helping the environment. With the increase in cell phone technology and new "IT" phones, it's the least we can do!

Anonymous said...

Im a AP earth student and were are just now learning about e-waste.I never knew you could recycle your old cell-phones. this could help the needy. -camilo

PhileshaT said...

I try to recycle my phones when I get the chance. I either give them to someone who really needs one or i donate them. I think recycling cell phones is one of the smartest ideas because there is nothing wrong with them we just want the cooler and newer phone. Which isn't necessary. Go Green, Save the Earth!

PhileshaT said...

I like the idea of recycling a cellphone. Its one of the smartest ideas, because there is nothing wrong with our phones. We just want the newer and better phone to "fit" in. Sooner or later cellphone companies are going to run out of cool ideas for new phones and we are going have to resort to our older phones. Go Green, Save the Earth!

Anonymous said...

I try to be eco friendly and recycle but there are a lot of things that go behind this and sometime you think you are recycling and helping the environment only to find out its in a dump recking havoc on other counties i defiantly will think twice and recycle my phone or other electronics at one of the following listed on this blog:)

Gabbi Rohn said...

In our AP Earth class we've recently learned about e-waste and the harmful effects it can have if it is not properly disposed of. I think it is great that people are becoming informed of these problems. Hopefully it will catch on world wide and we can reduce the pollution in the developing countries that get stuck with our e-waste.

Destiny Jackson said...

I really agree with recycling or reusing old cell phones. A little while ago when I learned about this I talked my parents into giving me their old cellphones every time they upgrade, and also to upgrade less often, that way my family and I as a whole go through less cellphones a year. This,I think could be a form of reusing. We also looked into ways that we can properly dispose of the ones we dont want anymore, ways like those listened in the link above. The next step is convincing others to do the same!
-Destiny J.

pilot owyn said...

in my AP Earth class we just learned about e-waste. i think its great and all that we can donate our old phones to peole in need, and its a brillant idea but those phones that are donated will eveuntaly end up in landfils. so.. how could the whole world, even those in extreme poverty, hop on board and recycle their phones so they can be turned into a new phone?

BethDillard said...

I have so many old phones that are just sitting in my drawer at home and i never knew what to do with them and now i do! i asked my phone company if they take old phones and they said they take old phone batteries and they would soon be taking the whole phone itself. thanks for the tips!

latina_bailey said...

In my APES class we were talking about how you shouldn't throw aways cell phones, tv's, comptures, ect. I just think this is interesting because it's something simple that everyone should do to help out the enviorment. I just think people should be informed more about thi soption.

Katie Myers said...

i think this would help show people there are things to do to start and save the enviroment and it would help other people. This also would help other countries with help problems also.

Detrich Meadows said...

I like how people have the choice to recycle their old cell phones instead of just throwing out in the trash which in up in landfills which are not good or benefical to humankind. I myself went through five phones this year because of defaults and mess ups in the phones and each one got returned to the company. It never occured to me to ask them if they were recycling them or not but on my next visit to them i will gladly bring the question up.

HunterAlphin said...

in my APES class i recently wrote a childrens book about all the e-waste that goes to china and affects the people over there,i think choosin more reliable places likethe ones youve listed to recycle to would help stop this problem a lot

Lyric Levester said...

Giving your cell phones away can lead to problems somewhere else if they don't dispose of it properly. Nut the overall option of recycling is good.

Nick Hall said...

I learned that prevention is better than cleaning up.
So I believe we should start with the source, and reduce the amount of cell phones we buy.

Dave said...

Couldn't agree more Nick.

Makayla Smith said...

I respect the companies that recycle old cell phones and the people that recycle them. Personally i have only gone through one phone this year. I know some of my friends have gone through four phones in three months. So now i wonder if their phones were diposed correctly and recycled. This gets me thinking and drives me to educate more people about recycling their old phones.