
Friday, August 1, 2008

What's In the Basement- August


  • 1 piece scotch tape
  • 1 price sticker from fish monger
  • 1 staple from film sides
  • 2 staples from cardboard top
  • 3 metallic emergen c packets
  • 1 piece scotch tape from studio passes
  • 1 staple from film sides
  • 1 sticker from fish monger
  • 1 piece scotch tape from studio passes
  • 1 ball of used tape
  • 1 coffee cup (plasticoated)
  • 3 chips bags
  • 2 food wrapper bars
  • 1 band aid wrapper and sticky covers
  • 2 sucking candy wrappers
  • 1 chips bag
  • 3 pieces of tape from new underwear
  • 1 metal staple from tea bag
  • 1 mettalic butter container top
  • 1 chips bag
  • 1 fruit rollup wrapper
  • 1 cereal bar wrapper
  • 2 breakfast pastry bags
  • 2 cereal bar wrappers
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper
  • 2 band aid wrappers
  • 1 chips bag
  • 1 chips bag
  • 1 plastic stir straw
  • 1 coffee bean bag
  • 1 plastic thingy that holds new socks together
  • 1 sticker from new socks
  • 1 packet from mac and cheese
  • 1 microwave popcorn bag
  • 3 biscotti wrappers
  • 1 plane ticket holder
  • 6 plane baggage tags
  • 2 plastic toy wrappers w/stickers
  • 4 pieces of chewed gum in wrappers
  • 1 breakfast bar wrapper
  • 5 glossy door flyers
  • 1 coffee bean bag
  • 1 3 segment drug packet
  • 1 piece clean used foil
  • 1 cardboard middle from frozen juice container
  • 2 lollipop covers
  • 1 glossy flyer
  • 1 plastic pasta bag
  • 1 plastic straw
  • 1 beer bottle
  • 1 plastic bag
  • 1 glass soy sauce bottle w/top
  • 2 metal ends from frozen juice container
  • 1 cardboard pizza box
  • 1 cardboard naan box
  • 1 plastic gnocci bag
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic cranberry bag
  • 1 plastic banana chips bag
  • 1 lemonade tetra pak
  • 11 ozs paper from mail
  • 4 local newspapers
  • 1 plastic gnocci bag
  • 2 plastic drinking cups PP5
  • 1 plastic straw
  • 1 cardboard mac and cheese box
  • 1 plastic frozen strawberry bag
  • 1 glass soda bottle w/top
  • 1 cardboard 4 pack from soda bottles
  • 1 cardboard sock holder

  • 1 plastic celery bag
  • 1 glass soda bottle w/top
  • 2 plastic cups w/top PETE 1
  • 3 misc plastic bags
  • 1 cereal wrapper
  • 1 plastic carrots bag
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic from plates
  • 1 plastic bag
  • 1 marshmallow bag
  • 2 smart dog wrappers
  • 2 plastic sample cups
  • 1 plastic straw
  • 1 plastic milk jug w/top HDPE 2
  • 1 cardboard pizza box
  • 1 tetra pak egg whites
  • 1 plastic cookie packet
  • 1 syrup container HDPE 2 w/top
  • 1 plastic butter container
  • 1 cardboard cereal box
  • 1 wax cereal bag
  • 1 tetra pak milk carton
  • 1 plastic underwear bag
  • 1 cardboard from underwear bag
  • 1 plastic drinking straw
  • 1 aluminum can
  • 1 plastic juice bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic pasta bag
  • 6 ozs paper from bills
  • 1 broken glass carafe (checking on this)
  • 5 ozs receipts/bills
  • 1 set of film sides
  • 1 cardbaord backing from videocassets package
  • 1 plastic front from videocassete package
  • 2 videocassette plastic wraps
  • 1 soup tetrapak box
  • 1 aluminum soda can
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 1 cardboard cereal box
  • 1 cereal bag
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 1 cardboard beer bottle six pack holder
  • 1 plastic safflower oil bottle PETE 1
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic sample cup
  • 1 tetrapak milk jug
  • 2 plastic berry containers
  • 2 cardbaord crayola boxes
  • 1 cardboard top to party favors
  • 1 glass juice bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic bag from party favors
  • 1 glass beer bottle w/top
  • 1 glass soda bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic salad bag
E-waste/HAZ Waste:
  • 1 broken bulb
Unaccounted For:
  • 1 plastic juice bottle w/top
  • 1 cardboard post card

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Reusabable Bags Sale

For anyone interested in getting reusable bags and in need of a push, Reusablebags.com is having a huge sale right now. If you can get something local that's made locally go for that first, or better yet, make them yourselves, but if not being able to pick them up is holding you back, here's a good opportunity.


Energy Efficiency As A Solution

Check out this very cool article by Joseph Romm from Salon.com. He lays out very simply and with great examples how the US can cut energy use simply through efficiency and halting energy leaks in the grid. Sighting California as an example, he writes

"In the past three decades, electricity consumption per capita grew 60 percent in the rest of the nation, while it stayed flat in high-tech, fast-growing California. If all Americans had the same per capita electricity demand as Californians currently do, we would cut electricity consumption 40 percent. If the entire nation had California's much cleaner electric grid, we would cut total U.S. global-warming pollution by more than a quarter without raising American electric bills. And if all of America adopted the same energy-efficiency policies that California is now putting in place, the country would never have to build another polluting power plant."

Check it out, it's a quick read.



Tuesday, July 29, 2008

LA to Fix Plastic Bag Problem....Finally

Last week the LA city council voted to outlaw plastic bags in the city of Los Angeles by 2010 unless businesses impose a 25 cent tax on every bag they give out. Either way, this will put a huge dent in our plastic bag problem. According to the article in the LA Times, LAnicks use 2.3 billion plastic bags every year and only 5% are recycled. It's disgusting and it's about time something was done about it. While I hope they outlaw them, Ireland has proven that a plastax can have a dramatic effect so either way, it's a good thing.

So who's next?


Day 210 - Tuesday 7/29/08

Today's Haul:

  • 16 ozs paper from mail - worms/recycle
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper - garbage
  • 1 candy bar wrapper - garbage
  • 1 glossy mailer - garbage
  • 1 frozen oj container - garbage
  • 2 frozen oj container end pieces - recycle
  • 1 frozen oj container pull tab - garbage

Monday, July 28, 2008


For those of you reading along at home, you may notice that i just backposted the last 7 days. It's not because I was lazy (I am) or that I forgot (I didn't) but rather because we were out of town for the week and due to time availability and the desire to not let the world know that I was gone from home for seven days, I just caught up now.  Having said that, I came home with a tidy bag of refuse and am glad to say that unlike the last time I took such a trip, no one stopped me and snickered at the airport (or at least to my knowledge).

We were in Seattle for a wedding and I must say it is quite the beautiful city.  I was extremely happy to see 4 bangar recycle/trash bins EVERYWHERE (paper, plastic, aluminum, and garbage) and to see that people actively seemed to be separating their waste.  Saturday night they held a parade downtown and afterwards, the recycle bins were overflowing while many of the garbage bins I saw were not.  It was very cool.

As usual, traveling as a trash hoarder with wife and two kids in tow is an odd experience, but even more oddly, a liberating one.  Since I am not preparing food, for the most part, all refuse that i can account for pretty much comes down to packaging of one sort or another and relatively little else, save for tickets, transfers and receipts (which will show up sometime next month when i finally get to them).  Since i didn't have access to a compost bin I had to keep a pretty strict eye on what i ate as well.  I had a few tupperwares with me in case, but nobody wants to have to explain a week old banana peel to the TSA guys, trust me, I know from whereof I speak.  I must admit that i did have a peach and threw the pits in the woods, but otherwise did fairly well.  I also have a lovely little pile of edamame shells sitting next to that i can hear the worms screaming for, so I'll do some more catching up tomorrow.


Day 209 - Monday 7/28/08

Today's Haul:

  • 4 plasticoated luggage tags - garbage
  • 4 boarding passes - worms
  • 2 pieces scrap paper - worms
  • 2 sugar packets - worms
  • 1 cardboard room key - recycle (shocking I know)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Week 29 Pics

Day 208 - Sunday 7/27/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 set wedding directions - worms
  • 3 ferry tickets - worms
  • 1 wedding place card - worms
  • 2 paper sugar packets - worms
  • 2 pieces scrap paper - worms
  • 1 plastic cookie package - recycle
  • 1 plastic cookie bag - recycle