Today's Haul:
- 1 fedex box - repurpose
- 1 piece tape - garbage
- 1 strip from fedex box - worms
- 2 aluminum tuna cans - recycle
- 1 emergen c packet - garbage
One man's attempt to throw nothing "away" for a year... and beyond.
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
This has nothing whatsoever to do with wasting less, or anything that this blog has to do with. That said, its really cool and a lot of fun, so I thought I'd pass it along as a little gift to everyone who's been reading and become part of this blog. Thanks for everything.
Check out click on your mouse and see what happens ("c" will change colors).
I know, that's an odd tip, but it's Christmas eve and things are pretty much where they'll be this holiday season. That said, I like the idea of stepping out side of your environment for a bit to get a taste of what's going on around you. As i've mentioned before, if you are reading this right now, chances are you are better off than most. It's easy for us (myself included here) to forget this from time to time. So head out for a neighborhood walk tonight. Who knows what you'll find. You'll get some fresh air, clear your head, maybe even meet a new neighbor. Whatever happens, it will put you in touch with your surroundings, where you live, who you live with, and on a certain level, who you are.
I'm rambling because I'm tired, but the idea is in there somewhere.
Happy Holidays to everyone who is celebrating and thanks for tuning in.
A reader sent me a link to this article about a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who is using liposuctioned fat as biofuel. I can't decide if my favorite line is
The Thanksgiving tips were such a hit that i figured I'd bring them back up to the top of the order. A big meal is a big meal right? Enjoy.
Today's Haul:
Wow, talk about 101 uses for a beer bottle! Someone posted this in the comments and I thought it was too cool to leave there. This whole site is about houses that people have made out of glass bottles! Check it out.
OK, the real answer to the plastic water bottle problem has been with most of us all along. Its coming out of the tap in your house and you can drink from it any time you'd like (right now even). Fill up a steel water bottle and you're good to go. But there are those areas of the world where bottled water is still a necessity and thankfully, a company named Brandimage has the answer.
I've never really understood the whole tinsel thing. You pay money for little strips of mettalic film that then get caught all over everything. That said, I;m obviously in the minority on this one. But who needs t spend good money on new tinsel? Grab some of your old chips bag (I have some in the basement if you want) and cut them up. The inside looks exactly like tinsel.
Whadya think?
Today's Haul:
In honor of the first night of Hannukah I thought I'd throw out a recipe I found for homemade potato pancakes/latkes. Now for those of you reading along carefully at home, the irony of the fact that we just had pre-made potato pancakes a few nights ago is not lost on me. But there, dear reader, lies the rub in all of this. We are none of us perfect, yet striving for perfection, and I'm at the front of that line.
Today's Haul: