
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Leftovers (or making the abnormal, normal)

From a piece I wrote for Care2.

I was interviewed on the radio last Friday about my 365 Days of Trash and an interesting thing happened. I was talking about some of the things that I started doing last year (and still do) in order to waste less and the subject came around to eating out at restaurants. I mentioned the simple ones–try to stay away from fast food, tell them you don’t need the straw, don’t order more than you think you’ll eat, and then I mentioned doggie bags.


Amazing Earth Hour Pics

Check out these amazing Earth Hour pics from last Saturday night. You can click on each one and it will toggle between before and after. Pretty cool.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Excellent Recycling Process Animation

Excellent animated video in several parts that explains the whole recycling process of many different materials.

You can also watch the first one on youtube and the rest will play automatically.

The Electronic Wasteleand

Amazing piece on where our e-waste ends up from 60 minutes.

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