Today's Haul:
- 1 automatic dishwasher detergent box - recyle
- 1 metal pour spout from auto dishwasher detergent box - garbage
- 1 can hearts of palm - recycle
One man's attempt to throw nothing "away" for a year... and beyond.
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
A blog reader named Brandon emailed me (a while back and i'm just now responding) about what to do with meat scraps. They can't be worm composted and he didn't know what else to do. i mentioned thinking ahead (don't cook more than you'll eat) and feeding scraps to the dog as well as an outside public composter if one existed.
That said, as a veg, I'm afraid I don't deal with this subject too much. Without getting into a huge discussion of the pros and cons of eating meat (or maybe that is what we should be doing) anyone have any illuminations?
Today's Haul:
A friend just sent me a note about this cool website, Gardenerd which really rocks. For starters, it has nerd in the title, so how bad can it be right? But beyond that, it's really pretty cool with a ton of info. It claims to be the ultimate resource for garden nerds, but has no information on where my Han Solo figure I lost back there last year are. That said, it's really great and I highly recommend checking it out and passing it around.
Wow, day 300. Whodathunk it. Not my neighbors that's for sure. And to celebrate I decided to finally put together an outdoor compost bin. Nothing special really, it's actually just an old planter box half filled with clean dirt and castings/worms left over from harvesting. I'll fill ya in in a day or so on why i needed this, but for now, just another piece of the puzzle.
Today's Haul:
I took my daughters to the park today as it was a nice day out and they had a bit of energy that needed sapping. AS they ran around on the play area I sat and watched people going by, something I must admit I enjoy doing form time to time. Now i don't know if it was my heightened awareness due to this project, or a jackpot time to be there, but i was fairly shocked at what I noticed.
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul: