
Friday, October 26, 2012

Great piece on the reality of wind as a source for energy.

Fantastic piece on wind energy and the reality of what it can do.  To generate 1/2 of the worlds
power needs (half because wind cannot be depended on to flow at all times) we'd need 4 million 5 megawatt windmills that would cover 1% of the land that we have.  Seems like a lot but 1% of usable land, and 4 million windmills (there are generally 50 million cars built per year) doesn't seem like much for clean renewable sustainable energy does is?  Check it out here.

Wind Power of the future?

What goes in the ocean goes in you!

The Farming/Food Myth

There's a tremendous amount of myth flying around out there about what our food needs are, what they will be, and what we need to do in order to keep the world (well some parts of the world) from starving.  As usual, and as this video points out, a lot of it is incorrect logic and when you trace it to the source, put out there by folks who stand to profit.  Remember, systems that are not sustainable, are not working systems in the long run.