Today's Haul:
- 2 lollipop sticks - worms
- 2 lollipop covers - garbage
- 1 tea bag - worms
- 1 tea bag cover - worms
- 1 beer bottle - recycle
One man's attempt to throw nothing "away" for a year... and beyond.
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
From the Greenpeace site a little bit of irony. Kimberley Clarke is using Wall*E a character from the Pixar movie about conservation to sell Kleenex, a product that uses virgin trees and nothing recycled. Of course, the irony is somewhat short lived when you realize that Pixar/Disney must have given their permission to KC to use the Wall*E image in the first place. Ahhh the mighty dollar.
Today's Haul:
In an effort to stop the 25% of table scraps that end up in Los Angeles area landfills, LA residents are getting these cool little green bins to keep in their kitchens. Food scraps and leftovers go in the mini bin and then out to the big green bin making it easier, and hopefully more doable. Way to go LA!
As some may have noticed I just back posted about two weeks of garbage after being silent for a bit. I was on vacation back east with my family and didn't have a ton of internet access (very frustrating) but did manage to save everything i could and bring it back with me. A lot of stuff that I'll hopefully be able to post on in the next few days, but here now are a few tidbits I can think of.
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Today's Haul:
Check this out. Sheila from the Isle of Wight England who read a couple of my Care2 articles sent me some information on a project called Morsbags. The basic idea is that local groups/individuals get together into groups called pods and make re-usable bags from whatever material they happen to have around. The bags are then given to local folks who in turn are asked not to use any more plastic bags.
Today's Haul: