
Friday, February 8, 2008

Worm Composting - The Video

My friend Joey came over today and we shot a quick little overview to vermicomposting or worm composting. Sorry it took so long, but here it is in all it's rushed glory. I figured this was a better way to communicate right now than typing as the ear thing makes it hard to concentrate for too long. I'm no expert but glad to share what i've learned so I hope this helps a bit.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Day 37 - Wednesday 2/6/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic pasta bag - recycle
  • 3 pieces of chewed gum in wrappers - garbage
  • 4 packets sugar - worms
  • 2 used q-tips - worms
  • 3 paper towels - worms
  • 1 plastic cover from doctors thermometer - garbage

Day 36 - Tuesday 2/5/04

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard blintz box - recycle
  • 1 foam fish tray PS 6 - recycle
  • 1 plasticy "I Voted" sticker - saved on the wall like always
  • 1 tin wrapper from gum stick - garbage
  • 2 lollipop wrappers - grabage
  • 2 lollipop sticks - worms
  • 2 paper towels - worms
  • 1 receipt - worms
  • 1 egg carton - repurposed for more eggs
  • 1 plastic ring from glass milk bottle - recycle
  • 3 pieces chewed gum in wrappers - garbage
  • 1 saran wrap from fish - discarded due to health reasons

Day 35 - Monday 2/4/08

Todays Haul:

  • 1 cardboard box of fish sticks (what can i say, I eat with/like the kids) - recycling
  • 1 plastic bag from fish sticks - recycling
  • 1 can from concentated apple juice w/ends - recycling
  • 2 paper towels - worms
  • 1 m&ms package - garbage
  • 1 outer tinfoil package from wrigleys gum pack - garbage
  • 1 inner sleeve from gum package - worms
  • 1 piece of scrap paper - worms
  • 1 piece used dental floss - garbage
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper - garbage

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One Month Down, 11 To Go

I had hoped to do this last week but just didn't have the mental or physical energy to deal with it. I figure that each month I'll try and do a wrap up of things that I've come across, what I've noticed, etc. So here goes.

For starters, the general response from all of you has been overwhelming and it really feels great to know that so many folks out there have similar concerns. I have learned from many of you, and from the sounds of it, some of you have picked up a thing or two here as well. Totally rocks!

I've mentioned this before but overall I am fairly shocked by how little waste I have generated, but at the same time, amazed that I generate as much recycling as I do. I think a lot of this has to do with making larger meals which can be eaten over several days/meals, and generally not being too picky about what I eat. Maybe that's a good thing and maybe that's a bad thing, but for purposes of this little experiment it seems to be working well.

I've been very psyched to tackle a few problems so far, mainly bread, fish, juice, and coffee. While things may pop up occasionally that don't fit the mold I set, this has more to do with the fact that I don't always do the shopping and sometimes for convenience, other choices will be made. I realize that these four problems are relatively small, but I am reminded of a great book on writing called "Bird By Bird" that my friend Rocky loaned to me a while back. It's about a kid who is overwhelmed by a report he has to do on birds because there are so many, so his mom tells him to just take them bird by bird, start with one, move to the next, and so on. I think that applies here.

I originally took on this project to save everything to see how much I generate in a year. However, now that I am one month into it, I think the plan is to see how little I can generate in a year. Not by denying myself mind you, but by taking things "bird by bird" and striking one problem off at a time until (hopefully) there's nothing left. Probably not going to get there, but you never know until you try right? At any rate, if I can keep my "garbage" to that one box for a few more months, I'll be really psyched.



Week 5 Pictures

I defininitely need to do a little organization but things seem to be holding fine. At the absolute lower left corner you may be able to see a little silver box. I bought a used paper shredder on craigslist for $10 so the worm shredding will be much easier as I was doing it by hand (not sure why that didn't occur to me sooner). Everything is still smelling fine, basement musty but nothing bad. I tend to sniff down there a bit cuz i figure that'll be the first heads up I have a problem (well other than saving my garbage anyway).

A few more bottles added but nothing serious. The main additions I noticed I was making were the kids juice bottles, which I tend to drink from as well when they are out of the fridge. I realized that when we were kids we made juice from frozen concentrate so from now on, that's the way we'll be going which should cut down on the bulk considerably.

The bags (bag, cardboard and paper) don't seem to be growing tremendously. That said, I have a backlog of paper (mostly mail stuff) up in my office which should head down there soon. This darn ear thing has just pushed everything back as I can't work for long periods of time.

Not too much new in the recycle box. I think I added a few things. But then again, with being sick and all this was a slow week.

The garbage is still pretty low which I'm happy about. Other than the dog food bag, this was probably a bigger week than most due to the medical waste. It's amazing how much packaging goes with most of these drugs. I guess health aspects can't be argued much but it does make you wonder.

Day 34 - 2/3/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plasticoated cardboard drug box - garbage
  • 1 bundle of gauze from medicine bottle - repurpose
  • 2 pieces of used gum in wrapper - garbage
  • 1 paper gum wrapper - worms
  • 1 tea bag w/paper wrapper - worms
  • 1 cardboard drug "card" with embedded tinfoil - garbage
  • 1 plastic drug bottle - repurpose
  • 3 paper drug info sheets - worms
  • 1 plastic lemonade bottle - recycle
  • 1 cardboard pasta box - recycle
  • 1 small plastic medicine vial - garbage

Every Little Bit Helps

My friend Duane just sent me an email that made me smile. It seems that his wife Rebecca was working at their kids school book fair, I'm assuming at the area where you purchase the books.

"She noticed everyone asking for bags to carry their (usually) single book back to their SUV so they could drive the 2 blocks home and then leave the book in the car until later. This annoyed said wife, who started asking, "Would you like a bag with that, or would you like to save some of the planet for our children?"

Apparently some still took bags, but many did not. I love this because basically what she did was ask people to consider the reality behind the choices that they were about to make. My thing is always - if you want to take a plastic bag, go ahead, just make sure you are being honest about what you are doing first. Also I should note that Duane tends to be a bit acerbic so my guess is that Rebecca was a bit nicer in how she put it (but part of me hopes she wasn't).

Huzzah Rebecca, thanks for fighting the good fight!

Live Sustainably


Monday, February 4, 2008

Slowly getting there

I hate to keep apologizing but this ear thing has really thrown me.  Vertigo, loss of hearing and a general annoyance. I can only concentrate for small chunks of time.  The doctor has assured me that this will pass, but until then, things will take  bit longer than normal. That said, i'm hoping to finally shoot a little video explaining the composter on Wed so i should have that up soon.  Easier for me to say it thaan type it at this point I'm afraid.

Thanks for all the kind get better notes.


Day 33 - 2/2/08

Today's Haul:

  • 6 tissues - disposed of due to health reasons
  • 3 q tips - disposed of due to health reasons
  • 1 foil bubble pack for meds - garbage
  • 2 local newspapers - worms
  • 1 tea bag and bag wrapper - worms
  • 1 thin plastic bag from newspaper (recycle 2) - recycle
I should note that i taught my enviro class at a house party and they ordered in Indian food. It occurred to me that perhaps all of that waste (the packaging it came in) should be mine as the house party was due to my being there, but I was a little on the edge about whether it was mine or not and didn't want to put the host out. Perhaps the ripples from the talk I gave will counteract the waste.

What's In The Basement (February)


  • 1 metallic wrapper from computer monitor cleaner
  • 1 airline baggage tag loop
  • 4 small chips bags
  • 1 band aid wrapper with plasticky covers
  • 1 piece clear packing tape
  • some of the AT&T phone stuff
  • 2 annoyingly non recyclable mailers
  • 1 coffee bag
  • 1 17 piece gum pack
  • 1 macaroni and cheese cheese packet
  • 2 pieces chewed gum in wrappers
  • 1 plasticoated insert from electronic gear
  • 1 plastic chips bag
  • 4 pieces chewed gum in wrappers
  • 2 computer monitor cleaner cloths
  • 2 pieces coated cardboard from top of computer peripheral bag
  • 1 ear drops box
  • 1 piece used dental floss
  • 2 pieces chewed gum in wrappers
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper
  • 1 piece used dental floss
  • 1 outer tinfoil wrapper from wrigleys pack of gum
  • 1 piece used gum in wrapper
  • 1 foil bubble pack for meds
  • 1 kids birthday invitation on photographic paper
  • 1 plasticoated cardboard drug box
  • 2 pieces used chewing gum in wrapper
  • 1 cardboard drug "card" with embedded tinfoil
  • 1 small plastic medicine vial
  • 3 pieces chewed gum in wrappers
  • 1 piece tin foil gum wrapper
  • 2 lollipop wrappers
  • 3 pieces chewed gum in wrappers
  • 1 plastic cover from doctors thermometer
  • 1 cliff bar wrapper
  • 2 "food bar" wrappers
  • 1 plastic muffin wrapper
  • 2 lollipop sticks w/wrappers
  • 1 bag awesome trader joes vegan cookies
  • 1 potato chip bag
  • 2 tinfoil candy wrappers
  • 1 reeses peanut butter cup wrapper
  • 4 pieces chewed gum in wrappers
  • 1 piece tape
  • 3 pieces gum in wrappers
  • 2 lollipop sticks with plastic wrappers
  • 4 wax covered drinking cups
  • 2 condiment packets
  • 2 tin foil wrappers from soup stock
  • 1 bag chips
  • 2 mettalic candy bar wrappers

  • 1 plastic bag from rice box
  • 1 paper tray liner
  • 5 restaurant hot dog "boats"
  • 17 ozs paper from mail
  • 1 cardboard AT&T visit leftover
  • 1 cardboard holder for new kitchen item
  • 1 catalog
  • 1 plastic freshness ring from dog treat bin
  • 1 plastic bag from forzen fish
  • 1 cardboard beer bottle six pack carrier
  • 1 plastic pretzel bag
  • 1 glass beer bottle
  • 1 glass bottle Tradr Joes Soyaki
  • 1 cardboard baking soda box
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic tofu container
  • 1 plastic cookie wrapper
  • 1 plastic bottle rubbing alcohol hdpe 2
  • 2 beer bottles w/caps
  • 2 cardboard pizza boxes
  • 1 cardboard cereal box with inner bag
  • 1 cardboard box from brownie mix
  • 1 bag from brownie mix
  • 1 local newspaper
  • 1 cardboard rice pilaf box
  • 1 plastic rice pilaf bag
  • 1 concentrated juice container w/tops and ring
  • 1 plastic milk bottle ring
  • 1 box butter sticks
  • 1 airline baggage claim loop
  • 2 foil butter holder covers
  • 1 paper shipping label
  • 1 plastic wrap from cd
  • 1 plastic bag of rice cakes
  • 1 plastic cover of yogurt tub
  • 1 toilet paper roll
  • 1 plastic bag from National Geographic
  • 1 cardboard soup stock box
  • 1 cardboard medicine box
  • 1 cardboard ice cream sandwich box
  • 1 plastic ice cream sandwich wrapper
  • 4 plastic drinking cup lids
  • 2 plastic straws
  • 1 plastic dishwashing detergent bottle PETE 1
  • 1 macaroni and cheese box
  • 1 can frozen orange juice
  • 2 plastic chipwich wraps
  • 4 video cassette wrappers
  • 1 plastic salad dressing cup
  • 2 small plastic butter containers
  • 2 plastic stir straws
  • 1 plastic yogurt tub with top PP5
  • 1 plastic shrink wrap from tofu burger
  • 8.5 lbs paper
  • 1 plastic packaging from new lightbulb
  • 1 plastic laundry detergent bottle HDPE 2
  • 1 cardboard pasta box
  • 1 plastic tofu container HDPE 2
  • 1 cardboard couscous box
  • 1 plastic pasta bag
  • 1 plastic medicine bottle HDPE 2
  • 1 plastic frozen corn bag
  • 1 plastic tofu tub
  • 1 cardboard laundry detergent box
  • 6 mini dv tape plastic wrappers
  • 1 cardboard battery packaging with plastic front
  • 1 plastic bag from toilet paper pack
  • 1 cardboard blintz box
  • 1 glass wine bottle
  • 1 glass Patron bottle
  • 1 foam fish tray PS 6
  • 1 cardboard cracker box plus bag
  • 1 plastic plat (#6)
  • 1 plastic ring from glass milk bottle
  • 1 thin plastic bag from local newspaper (recycle 2)
  • 1 cereal box
  • 1 bag from cereal box
  • 1 plastic soda bottle PETE 1
  • 1 plastic bagel spread container PP5
  • 1 plastic drinking straw
  • 1 cardboard long grain rice mix box
  • 1 cardboard box of fish sticks
  • 1 plastic bag from fish sticks box
  • 1 can concentrated frozen juice
  • 1 plastic computer peripheral bag PB 11
  • 1 torn LDPE 4 plastic bag
  • 1 plastic cover from electronics gear
  • 1 plastic lemonade bottle
  • 1 cardboard pasta box
  • 1 plastic pasta bag
  • 1 cardboard blintz box
  • 1 plastic tab from milk bottle
  • 1 plastic cookie bag
  • 2 tuna cans
  • 1 beer bottle and cap
  • 1 plastic cup PS 6
  • 2 9 volt batteries
  • 1 incandescent light bulb
  • 1 little dessicant bag from medicine bottle
  • AT&T phone stuff
Disposed of due to health reasons
  • 2 pieces of plastic wrap from freeze dried fish
  • 10 tissues
  • 5 q-tips
  • 1 saran wrap wrapping from fish
  • 1 plastic butter stick wrapper
  • Approx 2 cups of rubbing alcohol

Day 32 - 2/1/08

Today's Haul:

  • 2 teabags with paper cover - worms
  • 1 mettalic wrapper from computer monitor cleaner - garbage
  • 2 computer monitor cleaner cloths -garbage
  • 1 torn LDPE 4 plastic bag - recycle
  • 4 pieces of medical related paper - worms
  • 1 plastic computer peripheral bag PB 11 - recycle
  • 2 pieces coated cardboard from top of computer peripheral bag - garbage
  • 1 instructions from ear drops box - worms
  • 1 ear drops box - garbage (covered with prescription label)
  • 3 pieces scrap paper - worms
  • 1 piece of used gum in wrapper - garbage
  • 1 piece of plastic wrap from freeze dried fish - discarded due to health reasons
  • 1 cardboard long grain rice mix box - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from rice box - recycle
  • 1 coated cardboard insert from electronics gear - garbage
  • 1 plastic cover from electronics gear - recycle
  • 1 paper instructions - worms
  • 4 tissues and 2 q-tips - discarded for health reasons

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Our Plastic Seas - The Pacific Gyre

As i mentioned a while back, my friend Anna and Marcus are on a trip through the Pacific Gyre, a twice the size of Texas patch of plastic debris that is floating in the Pacific Ocean. Due to illnesses and everything else, I've been behind, so here are the first posts they have put up. I highly recommend following their voyage. The above video was made by the foundation they are working for and explains the problem at hand.

Live Sustainably


While i would highly suggest reading all the post, if you are short of time, I'd check out "First Day at Sea", "Entering the Plastic Soup" and Fundamental Properties".