
Sunday, April 19, 2009

The TED Talks

TED, which stands for Technology Entertainment and Design, started out as a conference in 1984 to bring the best and brightest in the aforementioned fields together.  Speeches from previous attendees are available online and are truly quite amazing to watch.  Here are just a few that we recommend.

William McDonough: The Wisdom of Designing Cradle to Cradle
Captain Charles Moore: Sailing The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Dennis vanEngelsdorp: Where Have the Bees Gone?
Michael Pollan: The Omnivore’s Next Dillema
Majora Carter: Greening the Ghetto
Alex Stephan: Inspired Ideas for a Sustainable Future
Cameron Sinclair: Open-source Architecture to House the World
Jane Goodall: What Separates Us from the Apes?

Cradle To Cradle: Remaking The Way We Make Things

By William McDonough and Michael Braungart

“This book is not a tree.”

Thus begins Cradle to Cradle , one of the most important books ever written on the subject of sustainability. Grappling with the question of how we put environment first while allowing commerce to thrive, Cradle to Cradle is a call to a higher environmental consciousness, and should be read by everyone on the planet.

Available at your local library or Amazon.com.