I've been meaning to post this link for a while but haven't gotten to it. I finally put all of the KROQ interviews in one place and a longer interview that I did on Santa Cruz radio as well.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Radio Shows
Day 102 - Saturday 4/12/08
Today's Haul:
- 2 used q-tips - worms
- 1 plastic cookie holder - recycle
- 1 mettalic cookie wrapper - garbage
- 2 lollipop sticks with wrappers - garbage
- 1 plastic peanuts wrapper - garbage
- 2 tissues - worms
- 3 mettalic cupcake tins - garbage
- 1 sticker holder from new socks - garbage
- 1 small "staple" from new socks - garbage
Day 101-Friday 4/11/08
Today's Haul:
- 1 wine bottle - recycle
- 1 cork - repurposed for further corkage use
- 1 ricotta cheese tub PP5 w/top - recycle
- 1 plastic freshness seal from cheese tub- garbage
- 1 cardboard bakery box - recycle
- 2 dog food bags - garbage
- 1 juice bottle w/top - recycle
- 1 ice cream wrapper - garbage
- 1 toilet paper roll - recycle
- 2.2 lbs of paper from bills/local papers etc - recycle
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Thoughts on Turning 100
I'll be honest with you, I had all sorts of grandiose ideas of what i was going to write today especially since the day 100 post was actually my 200th post to the blog. I even did my first ever worm castings harvest today and was going to post the video tonight.
But the truth is, last week is still catching up with me and I'm dead tired and can barely think let alone come up with something elegant to type.
So I'll just have to leave it at 266 to go, 100 down, and no catastrophes yet. Truthfully, things have gone better than i had expected, but of course, Im still less than a third of the way there, so we'll see what becomes.
I'm off to bed.
Day 100 - Thursday 4/10/08
Today's Haul:
- 1 cardboard pasta box - recycle
- 1 plastic bag - recycle
- 2 used q-tips - worms
- 1 plastic drinking cup with top - recycle
- 1 plastic drinking straw - recycle
- 1 milk carton - garbage
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What's in the Basement (April)
- 1 plasticoated drinking cup
- 1 coffee bean bag
- 1 package awesome mint milano cookies
- 1 plasticaoted plate
- 2 potato chips bags
- 2 plasticaoted drinking straws
- 3 plastic wrappers from sucking candies
- 1 chips bag
- 1 piece chewed gum in foil wrapper
- 3 metalic cupcake forms
- 2 disposable razor heads
- 2 disposable razors
- 1 glossy hotel key holder
- 2 parking pass stickers plus backings
- 1 toy label
- 2 chips bags
- 3 plastic clothing tag attachers
- 2 small chips bags
- 1 pack instant cocoa mix
- 2 chips bags
- 2 plastic cups
- 1 sticky holder from new socks
- 1 metal "staple" from new socks
- 1 plastic freshness seal from ricotta cheese tub
- 2 dog food bags
- 1 ice cream wrapper
- 1 milk carton
- 2 chips bags
- 2 mettalic sandwich bags
- 1 plasticoated paper bag
- 1 package of cookies
- 1 candy bar wrapper
- 1 plastic trail mix bag w/stickers
- 1 tin foil sandwich cover
- 1 tea bag cover
- 2 plasticaoted parking passes
- 3 lollipop sticks
- 3 lollipop covers
- 1 plastic stamp sheet
- 1 mettalic cookie wrapper
- 2 lollipop sticks with wrappers
- 1 plastic peanuts wrapper
- 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper
- 1 m&ms package
- 1 piece used dental floss
- 2 pieces wrapped foil
- 1 piece plastic backed stickers
- 3 lollipop covers
- 2 pieces chewed gum in wrapper
- 1 piece tape
- Several large pieces of plastic backing from contact paper
- 4 pieces of "foam" wrapping
- 2 plastic sticker backings from post office
- 1 candy bar wrapper
- 1 freshness top from soup mix
- 1 price ticket from fish store
- 3 bags of chips
- 4 staples
- 1 small plastic bag
- 2 plastic cups
- 1 plastic yogurt tub w/top PS6
- 1 wine bottle
- 1 plastic soda bottle PETE 1
- 1 tetra pax orange juice container
- 1 plastic rice cake bag
- 1 plastic tofu tub HDPE 2
- 1 cardboard veggie patty box
- 1 plastic veggie patty wrap
- 1 NY times
- 1 plastic spoon
- 1 wine bottle
- 2 pieces tin foil
- 1 ny times
- 1 plastic plate
- 1 cardboard razor package
- 1 area map
- 6 clothing tags
- 2 business cards
- 1 wine bottle
- 2 plastic crayon wrappers
- 1 plastic food wrapper
- 1 plastic Cup PETE 1
- 1 disposable razor plastic "holder"
- 1 plastic package from disposable razors
- 4 hotel parking tickets (male and female)
- 3 glass juice bottles w/tops
- 3 plastic straws
- 1 cardboard backing from 9 volt batteries
- 1 plastic window from batteries
- 1 NY times
- 2 plastic toy wrappers
- 2 cardboard tops from toy wrappers
- 1 cardboard cup
- 1 plastic bag of nuts
- 1 plastic toy packaging
- 1 ripped plastic bag
- 1 plastic soup mix PP5
- 1 plastic shrink wrap
- 1 glass grape juice bottle w/top
- 1 glass vegenaise bottle w/top
- 1 glass cooking wine bottle w/top
- 1 glass bottle mustard w/top
- 2 cardboard food boxes
- 1 plastic wrap from food box
- 1 plastic shrink wrapper
- 2 cardboard inserts from blender box
- 2 plastic bags
- 1 sour cream container PP5
- 1 plastic mixed nuts container PETE 1
- 1 plastic sugar bag
- 1 plastic cake mix bag
- 1 aluminum baking tin
- 3 lollipop covers
- 2 pieces aluminum foil
- 1 glass grap juice w/top
- 3 cardboard food boxes
- 1 plastic electrical chord protector
- 1 aluminum foil box
- 1 aluminum foil box cutter
- 1 piece of tin foil wrap
- 1 plastic bag
- 1 plastic packaging from kitchen timer
- 1 beer bottle w/cap
- 1 plastic cookie holder
- 1 cider bottle w/top
- 2 drinking straws
- 2 glass juice bottles w/caps
- 2 plastic safety covers from drink bottles
- 2 plastic tops from drink cups
- 1 cardboard blank cd cover
- 1 plastic top from takeout PS6
- 1 aluminum container from takeout
- 1 paper cookie holder
- 1 plastic bulk cereal bag
- 1 plastic candy bag
- 1 glass instant coffee container w/top
- 1 plastic party fork
- 1 plastic ring from milk container
- 1 glass marinara sauce jar
- 1 styrofoam container
- 1 plastic bag
- 1 wine bottle
- 1 ricotta cheese tub w/top PP5
- 1 cardboard bakery box
- 1 juice bottle w/top
- 1 toilet paper roll
- 2.2 lbs of paper from bills/local papers/etc
- 3 cardboard snadwhich holders
- 1 cardboard pasta box
- 1 plastic bag
- 1 plastic drinking cup w/top
- 1 plastic drinking straw
- 1 beer bottle w/cap
- 1 plastic carry out container
- 1 french fry boat
- 1 plastic spoon
- 2 glass soda bottles w/tops
- 1 grape juice bottle w/top
- 2 plastic plates
- 1 plastic strawberry holder
- 1 battery box
- 2 plastic food containers
- 2 styrofoam cups
- 2 styrofoam food conatiners
- 2 plastic drinking cup tops
- 1 plastic fruit container
- 1 plastic stirrer
- 1 styrofoam cup
- 1 yogurt cup
- 1 piece tin foil
- 3 plastic soup containers w/tops pp5
- 2 grape juice bottles w/top
- 2 cardboard food boxes
- 2 shrink wraps from food boxes
- 1 aluminum takeout container
- 1 plastic takeout cover PS 6
- 1 plastic cookie tray
- 1 AAA battery
- 1 broken cfl bulb in plastic bag
- 1 yogurt cup top
- 1 tea bag
- 1 cardboard cake box
Days 91-99 4/1-4/9
While I was back East with my Dad, I did my best to keep everything and note anything that i couldn't control. A lot of people brought ready made food to the hospital so I obviously couldn't account for that waste, and I had to get rid of things like fruit peels and the like due to the fact that i didn't know when i was coming back and didn't leave the hospital. I don't think they would have taken too kindly to me having rotting fruit in the ICU. The funny thing is that throwing those things away (peels and what not) truly made me feel bad cuz I kept thinking how much the worms would have liked it. I'm going to post all these days together as I couldn't possibly tell you what stuff was from what day. Remembering to keep everything and finding room for it was tough enough but keeping track by day didn't seem like an option. Given the circumstances i trust you'll all understand.
The Haul:
- 1 paper bag - worms
- 1 muffin holder - worms
- 1 plasticoated drinking cup - garbage
- 1 small plastic bag - recycle
- 1 napkin - worms
- 1 chips bag - garbage
- 1 cardboard blank cd cover - recycle
- 2 napkins - worms
- 1 paper bag - worms
- 1 styrofoam container - recycle
- 1 plastic bag - recycle
- 1 chips bag - garbage
- 1 paper bag - worms
- 3 cardboard snadwich holders - recycle
- 2 mettalic sandwich wraps - garbage
- 1 beer bottle w/cap - recycle
- 2 napkins - worms
- 1 plastic carry out continer - recycle
- 1 plasticoated paper bag - garbage
- 1 french fry boat - recycle
- 1 plastic spoon - recycle
- 1 package of cookies - garbage
- 1 candy bar wrapper - garbage
- 1 paper sandwich wrap - worms
- 1 plastic trail mix bag w/stickers - garbage
- 1 tin foil sandwich wrap - garbage
- 1 tea bag cover - garbage
- 1 tea bag - disposed of
- 2 glass soda bottles w/tops - recycle
- 1 glass grape juice bottle w/top - recycle
- 1 tray liner - worms
- 2 plasticoated parking passes - garbage
- 2 plastic plates - recycle
- 1 plastic strawberry holder - recycle
- 3 napkins - worms
- 1 muffin wrap - worms
- 3 lollipop sticks - garbage
- 3 lollipop wrappers - garbage
- 1 plasticy stamp sheet - garbage
- 4 boarding passes - worms
- 1 AAA battery - e-waste
- 1 battery box - recycle
- 2 plastic food containers - recycle
- 2 styrofoam cups - recycle
- 2 styrofoam food containers - recycle
- 2 plastic drink covers - recycle
- 1 plastic fruit container - recycle
- 1 piece scrap paper - worms
- 4 receipts - worms
- 1 plastic stirrer - recycle
- 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper - garbage
- 1 tissue - worms
- 1 styrofoam cup - recycle
- 1 yogurt cup - recycle
- 1 yogurt cup top - disposed of
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A thousand thanks
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am to everyone who sent wishes over the last week. As of this afternoon, my Dad is sitting up and drinking coffee and is doing unbelievably well. He's still got a long road to go, but luckily, the hurdles that he has to clear at this point are all related to time and levels of comfort as opposed to the question of whether he will clear them or not.