
Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 297 - Friday 10/24/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 beer bottle w/top - recycle
  • 1 instant pudding box - recycle
  • 1 instant pudding packet - garbage
  • 1 sticker from fishmonger - garbage
  • 1 toilet paper roll - worms


Another from Wired (via my buddy Aug) about greenwashing. Discusses things like Comcast's marketing campaign of paperLESSisMORE and then points out how they blanket cities with paper promotions for their products.  Poland Springs "Eco-Bottle" is made of plastic.  How is this good for the environment? The Airbus 380 claims they create a "better environment inside and out".  This is a plane right?

Check out the article and when you are done feel free to send these companies an email if you'd like and tell them that Sustainable Dave and Wired mentioned their names.  I'm sure they'll be happy to hear your comments.


Comcast (http://www.comcast.com/Corporate/Customers/contactus/ContactUs.html)

Poland Springs 

(http://flightglobal.firstlightera.com/EN/Microsites/1/Airbus/Contact)  (couldn't find an email so post one if anyone finds)

OK, so I'm a geek

My buddy Augie just sent me this cool article from Wired magazine that explains how a photog from the magazine made the Tie Fighter you see on the left from 50 Starbucks coffee cups and a whole mess of plastic stirrers.  If he's anything like I was as a kid, there's probably about 8 tubes of modelling glue and a pound of human skin to boot....but I digress.

Now i'm hoping that he didn't use virgin cups (although i suspect he did), but keeping all things fair, I though i'd post it because, well, IT'S A TIE FIGHTER MADE OUT OF COFFEE CUPS!!!!!  How cool is that?

Again, I'm not supporting the whole coffee cup thing and we all need to stop using them (so we can make X-wings and Y wings and Millenium Falcons out of them....maybe even landspeeders....aaahhhhh....landspeeders).

So there you have it, yet another reason to stop using "disposable" coffee cups because let's face it, ya can't make one of these out of a steel thermos can ya?


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 296 - Thursday 10/23/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 filled vacuum cleaner bag - garbage
  • 1 torn plastic sandwich bag - garbage
  • 1 small chips bag - garbage
  • 2 pieces scrap paper - worms
  • 1 cardboard tortellini box - recycle
  • 1 plastic tortellini bag - recycle
  • 1 photo - garbage
  • 1 glass pasta jar w/top - recycle
  • 2 foam inserts - garbage

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Care 2, The New York Times, And The Newsletter

I've been meaning to post some Care2 stuff that I've written for a while but have been remiss. Here's a link to all the things I've written for them so far.  The most recent is a piece on how to avoid coffee waste (cups and otherwise).

The newsletter sign up is up and running and i have had a ton of questions from folks on a few fronts.  To answer the two main ones, anyone who signs up for the newsletter at any time is eligible to win Dave's Bag (and subsequent offerings) as I will pick one number from a pool of numbers (each sign up is numbered) and it'll go to that person, assuming they want it.  Also, the newsletter sign up just went up and the whole format is being worked out so please be patient.  I'd rather it start off with a bang than a wimper.  

And finally, for anyone who didn't see it, I actually made the front of the New York Times believe it or not (well the online edition anyway).  Hilarious.  My folks always figured I'd make the paper (police blotter page) but anyone who knows me knows the Style section is the last place I'd expect to be seen.  Have a laugh!


Day 295 - Wednesday 10/22/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 butter spread plastic tub PP5 - recycle
  • 1 tetra pack orange juice container - recycle
  • 1 cloth backing from small piece of carpet - worms (we'll see about that)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 294 - Tuesday 10/21/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 torn egg carton - worms
  • 1 plastic half egg carton - recycle
  • 1 whitefish container - recycle
  • 1 cardboard mints box - recycle
  • 1 plastic mints holder - recycle
  • 1 aluminum foil box - recycle
  • 1 aluminum foil "cutter" from box - garbage
  • 1 aluminum foil cardboard tube - worms
  • 1 cardboard blintz box - recycle
  • 1 plastic blintz tray - recycle

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 293 - Monday 10/20/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic dishwashing liquid bottle - recycle
  • 1 grape juice bottle - recycle
  • 1 glass wine bottle - recycle
  • 1 wine cork - recycle (later)
  • 1 white vinegar bottle - recycle
  • 1 advil packet - garbage

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 292 - Sunday 10/19/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard pizza box - recycle
  • 2 plastic sample cups - recycle
  • 1 paper tray liner - worms
  • 1 plastic straw - recycle
  • 1 plasticaoted takeout conatiner - garbage
  • 1 torn paper bag - worms
  • 1 ring from milk bottle - recycle
  • 1 plastic veggie hot dog wrap w/stickers - garbage