
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 263 - Saturday 9/20/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard plate - worms
  • 1 paper towel - worms
  • 1 plastic yogurt tub PP5 - recycle

Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 262 - Friday 9/19/08

Today's Haul:

  • 2 pieces chewed gum in wrappers - garbage
  • 1 preprinted plane ticket - worms
  • 1 baggage tag - garbage
  • 1 plastic food to go container PP5 - recycle
  • 1 candy bar wrapper - garbage
  • 1 plastic bag from nuts w/stickers - recycle

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Enough With the Plastic Water Bottles Already

I just started a series on plastic water bottles over at Care2 and thought I'd post it up.


Day 261 - Thursday 9/18/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic pasta bag - recycle
  • 1 glass pasta sauce jar - repurpose
  • 1 plastic milk jug ring - recycle

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 260 - Wednesday 9/17/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 broken car lightbulb - e waste
  • 1 plasticoated credit card sized sleeve - garbage
  • 2 local newspapers - worms/recycled
  • 1 plasticated paper plate - garbage

Day 259 - Tuesday 9/16/08

Today's Haul:

  • 4 small bags of chips - garbage
  • 1 parking pass - worms
  • 1 wristband - garbage
  • 1 paper envelope - worms
  • 1 cotton candy cone - worms
  • 1 mailer - repurposed
  • 1 staple - garbage
  • 1 ticket booklet - worms

Day 258 - Monday 9/15/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard box from veggie burgers - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from veggie burgers - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from bread - repurpose
  • 1 plastic marshmallow bag - recycle
  • 1 pile of old wood - burned due to termites*
* So i was clearing out some old stuff in the back and found these old saw horses that have been there forever.  They weren't treated (they were here when we got here) and had become completely termite ridden.  My first thought was that there was no way they were going in the basement.  As I was getting ready to weight them and take them to the curb, I noticed how infested they were an wasn't too psyched about dropping these guys all the way to the front yard of the house, and eventually having them work into the outside of the house.  So i decided to burn them in our chimenea (a friends idea).  While I'm sorry to have burned the termites, I didn't know what else to do.  The kids brought out marshmallows and we toasted them after the fact so at least it turned into something good for them.  As for the pollution aspect, the CO2 is the same (I'm assuming ) since they'd break down in a landfill eventually anyway, but i wonder what else was released.  Like I said, they weren't treated so no chemical from that.  Either way, an isolated incident and I'm going to list it anyway.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Plastic Water Bottle Animation

This pretty much speaks for itself.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 257 - Sunday 9/14/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic bag fettucine - recycle
  • 1 cork from champagne bottle - send off to recycle
  • 1 metal thingy from cork from champagne bottle - garbage

Week 36 pics

I need to apologize for the absense of pics.  I have had some on another computer nad between that, a severe lack of time, and some technical problems, it's been way too long.  More to come and then hopefully I'll be back posting the previous pics I've been lagging on.  As you can see, the basement is getting a little full, but still hanging in there.  i need to clean next week though.