
Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Cove

It's one thing to find a great documentary. It's another to find one that enlightens and inspires. And it's still another to find one that is so well made, that you'd swear it was scripted.

The Cove is just that and more. Check out the trailer below and then go see it with all your friends. Then call everyone else and tell them to see it.

Why you ask?

Because this illustrates how powerful one man can be, and moreso, has actually had an effect. To date, the annual dolphin slaughter that takes place in Taiji, Japan, has not begun. Will it eventually? Not if enough people see this film it won't.

If you've ever said "i'm just one person, what can I do", run out and see this film!

Oh yeah, and one final note. If you don't want to see the film because you think it'll be too graphic, fear not. I won't lie to you, there's a tough 2 minutes of film towards the end of the movie, but it's not nearly as bad as what you probably think you'll see, and what these filmakers probably saw. Check it out, you'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

City Chicken

Want to raise chickens in the city but don't know how?  Sure you do.  So what are you waiting for?  Check out The City Chicken.


Sigg contains BPA afterall

As many of you may have already read, information came out the other day that Sigg bottles have contained BPA.  Much different than what they have said in the past.

There are people out there who say that BPA isn't a problem, and as far as I'm concerned, it's academic in this case.  The bottom line to me is that they were not honest about their product with consumers.

I used to carry a Sigg bottle and even talked with some folks at the company back in February of last year.  But after some research, I decided that i'd be happier with a stainless steel bottle than an aluminum one with the coating.  While Sigg states that they have extensively tested these coatings, my thought has always been "Why take a chance?".

According to the president of the company, Steve Wasik, the bottles in question are pre 2008 and you can figure out if you have one and see a list of FAQ here.  In addition, if you want to email Steve himself, he can be reached at steve.wasik.ceo(at)sigg.com.

Supposedly they are accepting returns of BPA bottles but I can't find any info.  I'll post it up when I do.


Update:  The Sigg Bottle Return Site is http://mysigg.com/bulletin/exchange_program.html. You ahve to get your bottles in by 10/31 and you are required to pay to ship it to them.

The Seven Deadly Plastics

Fantastic little song that will help you remember what's what in the recycling world.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Daily Ocean

Finaly getting around to posting this. A reader sent in a link to her cool blog called The Daily Ocean. For 365 days she is picking up all trash she finds on the beach and cataloging it. Talk about an eye opener! Very cool.



Another great doc, this one on the importance of topsoil and the problems we are facing in losing it.


Another movie that everyone should see.

It's Over: 5 Reasons Why The Electric Car Wins

Original post at TriplePundit

It could take ten years or more to become apparent, but I’ll call it now: the electric car will replace the internal combustion engine.

A caveat: I am not an automotive industry expert. Which is why I’m right. I’m not mired in the details, the past failures, the what ifs or the buts. All I see are the big, obvious things. When it comes to sea change in human behavior, though, obvious matters.

So, since no prediction is worth its salt without an accompanying list, the following are five overlapping reasons why our children will all be driving electric cars.