
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Tip #19 - CFLs and Ornaments for the Tree

I may get some odd feedback on this one, but let's see what happens. Let's say you're one of those folks in the minority out there who hasn't trimmed the tree yet and you're also one of those folks who just hasn't gotten around to changing out your lightbulbs. Well, instead of running out and buying ornaments, why not go get some CFLs and hang your old Edison bulbs all over the tree? How wild would that be, and what a conversation starter.

Now i have to add that the legal team of Handerson Landers and Flynn has told me that you are trying this at your own risk and should be very careful to secure all bulbs to the tree safely, lest they fall and smash on your train set. If anyone does do this though, please post up a pic cuz I think it'd look cool.

When the 26th comes around, you can donate those bulbs to a charitable organization and help them out while you are at it.

Whadya think?


Day 354 - Saturday 12/20/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard box of potato pancakes - recycle
  • 1 frozen juice container - garbage
  • 1 cardboard pasta box - recycle
  • 1 plastic window from cardboard pasta box - garbage

Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 353 - Friday 12/19/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 glass grape juice bottle w/top - recycle
  • 1 plastic cupcake holder - recycle
  • 1 glass hard cider bottle - recycle
  • 1 plastic gadget bag - recycle
  • 1 cardboard backing from gadget packaging - recycle
  • 2 staples from gadget packaging - garbage
  • 1 plastic ring from butter spread tub - recycle
  • 2 tea lamp holders - garbage
  • 4 pieces used scotch tape - garbage

Holiday Tip #18 - Enjoy

Simply put, this just ROCKS!

Eating Out

Down and dirty today, here are a few tips on wasting less when someone else is slinging your hash.

Fast Food  OK, I know this is an odd place to start but sadly, more food is consumed daily in America at fast food establishments than at any other type of eatery. Now when you think of fast food, you think of a lot of things, but one of the big ones has got to be waste. While there are certain things you are just not going to be getting around (and I’m not even going to get into nutrition here), you do have some options.



Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday Tip #17 - Gift Idea: Orikaso Bowl

Trying to figure out last minute gifts on a budget? Why not pick up an Orikaso bowl for that special someone in your life. They only cost about $3, will help that special person in your life cut down on waste, and most importantly are SUPER COOL! REI carries them as does Sport Chalet and several other sporting good/camping stores.

Day 352 - Thursday 12/18/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 candy bar wrapper - garbage
  • 1 tea bag cover - worms
  • 1 tea bag - worms
  • 1 cliff bar wrapper - recycle
  • 1 cardboard ice cream sandwich box - recycle
  • 1 plastic ice cream sandwich tray - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag form ice cream sandwiches - recycle

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 351 - Wednesday 12/17/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 beer bottle w/top - recycle
  • 2 cardboard backings from videocassetes - recycle
  • 2 plastic windows from video cassettes - recycle
  • 2 wrappers from videocassettes - recycle
  • 1 milk jug ring - recycle
  • 1 plastic tortilla bag - recycle

Holiday Tip #16 - Go Rechargeable

According to the EPA, close to 40% of all gifts given this year will require batteries of some sort. As many of those will be the standard C,D, Multiple A, and 9 volt, why not give them a nice set of rechargeable batteries and a charger to go with it? It'll save them money, save on e-waste recycling (and landfill space as a lot of people throw these things out) and you'll be the super cool gift giver that you always wanted to be.

If you're stumped on what's watt (I sleigh myself) with batts, fear not, the internet is here!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Tip #15 - Scrap the Wrapping Paper

I've never really understood wrapping paper. You pay through the nose for something that someone is going to rip apart and throw away after one use. It's kind of nuts. Thankfully, the Japanese have had a great alternative for centuries, Furoshiki!

Furoshiki Gift Wrapping - Celebrity bloopers here

Day 350 - Tuesday 12/16/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic butter spread tub w/top PP5 - recycle
  • 1 toilet paper roll - worms
  • 1 tea bag cover - worms
  • 1 tea bag - worms
  • 2 used q-tips - worms
  • 1 paper studio pass - worms
  • 1 Cliff bar wrapper - worms
  • 1 tin can - recycle

Day 349 - Monday 12/15/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cookie bag - garbage
  • 1 plastic pasta bag - recycle
  • 1movie popcorn bag - garbage
  • 1 glass cider bottle w/top - recycle
  • 2 large pieces of scrap paper - worms
  • 1 piece of paper towel- worms
  • 18 ozs paper from mail/bills etc. - worms/recycle

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Tip #14 - Food Glorious Food

Here's a quick link to an LA times story on 50 ideas for a homemade edible present this year.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 50 Pics

Holiday Tip #13 - Give A Little Get A Little

We try to do this with our kids, with a fair amount of success, but it occurs to me it should extend to us adults as well. In preparation for the holiday gift receiving, we try to ask the kids to go though their toys and find some things they don't use as much as they used to. Same goes for clothes and books. We then head to a local thrift store and donate them, or to a religious institution depending on what we have/they need. I think this is a really important part of the holiday season as it sets up the idea that you just can't keep getting, but you have to give as well. Spread it around a little and the stuff won't pile up as much also.


Day 348 - Sunday 12/14/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 bottle teriyaki sauce - recycle
  • 2 plastic food containers - repurpose
  • 1 chips bag - garbage
  • 1 used razor - garbage