
Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanksgiving (and daily) Food Miles

With Thanksgiving upon us (here in the US anyway) I think its time to revisit food miles. As this little video illustrates, buying locally makes sense on just about every level. Why not try to make the 100 mile meal for Thanksgiving and see where it gets you?



Anonymous said...

Great video, I had no idea. It would seem that one of the adverse effects of competition is to actually increase prices for products that are shipped a long ways while reducing the revenue of the actual producer of the food. I need to think about this...

Ribs said...

Very good video. I recently read Eat Your Heart Out: Why the Food Business is Bad for the Planet and Your Health and the chapter on cereals shocked me. This video reminded me that my decision to stop eating boxed cereals was a good one - almost 7 times as many calories to process as you get from it. Madness! I'm eating porridge oats now and on the days when I really feel like I can't be bothered to cook them, I'll remind myself of the 7 to 1 ratio :)

Virginger said...

Terrific video. I'm writng from Word of Mouth public radio show and podcast. We're looking for a guest to help us calculate the food miles of a Thanksgiving meal. Have you come across a human food miles calculator in your travels? Please write us; wordofmouth@nhpr.org