
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And that's all she wrote

Well, there you have it, my 365th day of blogging my trash. I have to be honest, it was a little odd doing that for the last time, but having said that, quantifying everything like this is not something i will miss.

For those of you wondering, I was thinking of holding off on the paint cans and sink faucet until tomorrow, when they wouldn't count, but I figured that wasn't really right, so there they are.

As to what happens next, well, this is only the beginning.  I'll post up a finale post here tomorrow night (most likely) as I may have a few fun things to mention and show, and I'm completely zonked from programming all day (if you can call it that).

Having said all of that, I want to quickly thank everybody for all your support, kind words, and most of all interest over the last 365 days. Hopefully the new site will continue on in this tradition and we can all continue on the journey together.

There is one person i feel that i should single out on this, my last day though, and that is my lovely wife. There is no way i would have been able to do this without her understanding, patience, and old blender, and i can't thank her enough for that. Not many wives would allow their husbands to undertake something like this and I think I'm safe to say that I don't know how lucky I am to have her.

Thanks sweetie for hanging in there, for your love and support, and for never sending me down to sleep with the worms.

I love you.


Day 365 - Wednesday 12/31/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 candy bar wrapper - garbage
  • 1 paper bag with sticker on it - garbage/worms
  • 8 cans of old paint and other painting supplies - hazardous waste
  • 1 kitchen sink faucet - freecycle for pieces and garbage for broken spout
  • 2 heavy plastic box holders - garbage

Chico State University

I have been quite remiss in posting about Chico State University, a school I have grown quite fond of, but figured it was high time.  I'm going to have more on them on the new site which launches tomorrow, but for now, here are a few tidbits.

I have spoken several times up at Chico and it absolutely astounds me what they are doing there on the sustainability front.  They have a dorm that is sustainability minded, sharing and growing food, exploring the waste stream they create, and even composting with worms (how could i not love these folks?).  They also have an entire student led association that goes through all of the trash and picks out anything usable before it is discarded and then has it free for students to use.  Im not talking trash here (pun intended), I;m talking about a wrehouse full of boks, notebooks, stereo systems, you anme it, most of which is free for the taking.  It's truly amazing and a testament to what a dedicated few can do.

Last year, they actually undertook a two week trash challenge, but with a twist.  The trash had to be carried around and couldn't be farther than something like 10 feet from you at any time. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that my wife would not have gone for that.  Anyway, here's a note from one of the participants that i am just now getting around to.

As for Chico, well, much more to come.


Zero Waste Challenge 2008
California State University, Chico

The Zero Waste Challenge is an exercise used to demonstrate the linear way in which we use resources. The idea of the challenge is to carry around a transparent bag for two weeks, and into that bag goes everything that is not compostable, recyclable, or reusable. Essentially, anything headed to the landfill was placed in this bag—which had to be five feet or less from our bodies the entire two weeks. And whichever participant has the lease amount of trash generated by the end, is proclaimed the Zero Waste Champion.

This Challenge is important for not only just myself to do, but anyone and everyone. It is valuable because it is a quantified visual statement that says, “This is my waste and I take responsibility for it.” As a species, we deal with non-reusable waste in such a nonchalant manner. A piece of trash is simply tossed into the waste stream and forgotten about. Gone. Somebody else’s problem. ‘Away’. BUT this challenge is not only of value for the participants, but also in generating meaningful conversation with non-participants, and getting them involved through word of mouth. And, also, to get them thinking about their own waste patterns.

Things that come as a surprise not only to me but in general as to how few things that are plastic are not recyclable, despite the presence of the chasing arrows. Things such as Styrofoam, any type of single-use plastic container including coffee cups and red cups aren’t recyclable! As for the participants as a whole, it was great to hear the conversation of what actually goes in the bags: is this compostable? Is that recyclable? Can I reuse this? Not only was it a great visual for all of us, but many people enhanced their knowledge of the waste stream.

Two concepts really struck me during this challenge. One was the idea of ‘away’. In our vernacular, we simply say that something has gone away when we toss it into the trash can. Away is an adverb, not a place. Nothing can truly go away; it must go somewhere. For the purposes of this exercise, things go ‘away’ to the landfill. There is no such thing as ‘away’ in the physical sense. I have been to the landfill and it is eye-opening. The landfill in our county of Butte is 30 stories tall, the tallest person-made structure in the county. This ties into the second concept that sticks out to me: matter cannot be created nor destroyed. That is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which demonstrates that we live on a finite planet with limited resources. If we keep sending things to the landfills and not back into the natural capital of the earth, all living things will be at a disadvantage.

Everybody should at least examine their contribution to the waste stream. If the idea of living a life that feeds the system that feeds you appeals to you, then taking a look at waste habits is a good place to start. I have learned through the Zero Waste Challenge to Reduce, Reuse, and Compost. Recycling (downcycling) is ok too, but it is an energy intensive process. I encourage anyone to participate in their own personal challenge, or to get a group of people together and challenge each other.

Peace and love
Mark H
Senior, Environmental Justice Major
CSU Chico

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The One Week Challenge

Over 20 people from New Zealand, to Denmark, to here in the US of A have signed up and I'm hoping that more will join in. I'll send out a questionaire tomorrow to everyone who has emailed me that they are in and we'll see what happens. My original idea was to do this the first week of January, but in reality, feel free to fit it in in the first two weeks, or whenver works for you. The idea is to consume like you usually do, and see what you've got.

Contact me at the link up top if you're game, and if you haven't received the questionaire yet, please let me know via email and I will send it.


Day 364 - Tuesday 12/30/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic tub ricotta cheese pp5 - recycle
  • 1 plastic tub cottage cheese pp5 - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag mozarella cheese - recycle
  • 1 cardboard box pasta - recycle
  • 1 glass spaghetti sauce jar - recycle
  • 1 cliff bar wrapper - recycle

Monday, December 29, 2008

Day 363 - Monday 12/29/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 coffee cup - garbage
  • 1 coffee cup sleeve - worms
  • 1 entry wrist band - turned into coffee shop for drink
  • 1 fedex box - repurpose
  • 1 catalog - worms
  • 2 staples from catalog - garbage
  • 2 wick holders from candles - garbage
  • 1 small plastic bag - recycle
  • 1 cardboard box potato pancakes - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from potato pancakes - recycle
  • 1 video cassette wrapper - recycle

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Join Me For A Week?

As the year is nearing an end and the final days of my 365 are upon me, I had a thought. Well, actually, my good friend Zan had the thought, but she passed it on to me, and I'm keeping it.

I'll be done with my little experiment in just under two weeks and while that will hardly be the end of all of this, I was wondering (or more accurately Zan was) if anyone out there would like to step into my shoes for a week. How cool would it be if everyone on this list (its up around 1000 now and growing) were to keep all of their garbage and recycling for a week in order to see what you learn and how you change. If you can't keep it all, no sweat, keep a list of everything as you get rid of it. The list alone will be a real eye-opener and I'm certain it will have an effect.

I was thinking of asking folks to take a week between Jan 1 and Jan 15 and take the challeng, and ask if you'd write up a little paragraph or two about what you found out and how it affected your habits. If you'd email it to me, I can post them all up on a board on the new site and who knows, maybe others will want to join in. On second thought, if you let me know you are doing it, I'll just send out a questionaire and post those.

So how about it? Any takers? If so, you can email me at the contact link up top.


Win Dave's Bag!! Sign Up Now

Sign up now for the Sustainable Dave Newsletter and earn a chance to win your very own Dave's Bag!

That's right, some lucky winner will win a fabulous backpack with a coffee mug, water bottle, reusable bowl, and much much more. Imagine what your friends will say when you can swear off "disposable" single use items for good!

Be the talk of the town, be the coolest employee in your company. Win Dave's Bag! And, as an added bonus, the first winners will recieve an actual piece of garbage from Dave's basement, signed by Dave himself. How cool is that?

Own a piece of history and help Dave get rid of his garbage. Act now. Don't Delay. Sign Up Today!


Day 362 - Sunday 12/28/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 packet advil - garbage
  • 1 emergen c packet - garbage
  • 12 ozs paper from bills etc - worms/recycle
  • 1 pizza box - recycle
  • 1 9 volt battery

Some Answers

Over the past week, i have received a ton of emails, comments, and all sorts of other contact due to the yahoo piece that ran.  It's been fairly overwhelming and I have not been able to respond to everyone the way I'd like to, so here are some responses to a few things that i have been asked (and just a few things that I wanted to throw out there).

Why are you saving your recycling? I'm saving my recycling as well as my trash due to the fact that most things that aren't actually recycled, they re downcycled, meaning they are not turned back into what they were but into lesser objects.  Fr example, plastic water bottles do not become plastic water bottles but rather park benches and plastic lumber.  Recycling, while better than throwing something away, still takes energy and resources, so no a waste project like this would be lacking if I didn't include recycling as well.

What are you going to do with everything? The trash (the 32 pounds in the cardboard boxes) will be heading to the Museum of Trash in CT and the recycling may in fact be going to an artist who is interested in turning it into a work of art.  We'll see whether this works out or not.

What do i do with cat waste? Believe it or not, quite a few people emailed me this question.  Odd that.  i didn't have  cat, but here's a good link for some good eco-cat information.

What are you going to do at the end of the year? Well, I'm certainly not going to keep listing my garbage, that's for sure.  A lot of people have asked whether I will be continuing this experiment and the answer is no.  I think I have learned what I needed to learn and have passed on a fair amount of that knowledge.  Having said that, I am presently working on a new site that will go live on 1/1 at Sustainabledave.org.  I had hired a company to create it, but let's just say they proved to be less than ethical, so I'm making it myself.  It's definitely going to be a work in progress, but my hope is to create a community of like minded individuals where we can all work together to find answers to some of these problems we face.  I'm also shooting a lot of video so it'll hopefully be simple, fun, and effective.  

I'm also writing a book called 365 Days of Solutions, and working on turning my seminar into a free download to school kids all over the world.  Stay tuned.

Why didn't you post my comment?  Well, 9 times out of ten it's because your comment was obnoxious, not because i was ducking it.  I'm really happy to post contradictory comments and even engage in dialogue with those who have posted them, but not if they are nasty, so if that was one of yours, clean it up, re-post it, and I'll gladly put it on line.

Why didn't you respond to my hate mail?  See the previous question.

What can I do to help? The best thing to do is spread the word and let me know what your thoughts are.  I'm not a trained expert on any of this, but self taught so I'm hping a community of like minded committed citizens will make this and even bigger impact.

Have you given a backpack away yet? Nope, not yet.  I'll be giving the first backpack away on 1/31 and hopefully sharing a little video of it shortly thereafter.  After that, I'll be giving away one a month.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 361 - Saturday 12/27/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 fedex box - repurpose
  • 1 piece tape - garbage
  • 1 strip from fedex box - worms
  • 2 aluminum tuna cans - recycle
  • 1 emergen c packet - garbage

Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 360 - Friday 12/26/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 movie popcorn bag - garbage
  • 1 soda can - recycle
  • 3 plastic straws - garbage
  • 1 small bag of cookies - garbage
  • 1 plastic take out top - recycle
  • 1 tin takeout bottom - repurpose
  • 1 cardboard bread box mix - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from bread mix - recycle
  • 1 cardboard box frozen fish - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from frozen fish - recycle

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 359 - Thursday 12/25/08

Today's Haul:

  • 2 plastic bags from toys - recycle
  • 1 bunch of newspaper from packing - worms
  • 1 cardbaord box - repurpose
  • 1 cereal box - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag from cereal box - recycle

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Day 358 - Wednesday 12/24/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard candle box - recycle
  • 2 dog chewed candles (ahh the dog again) - garbage
  • 1 margarita mix bottle - recycle
  • 1 torn egg carton - worms
  • 1 cardboard donut box - worms
  • 1 foil top from wine bottle

This Is Sand

This has nothing whatsoever to do with wasting less, or anything that this blog has to do with. That said, its really cool and a lot of fun, so I thought I'd pass it along as a little gift to everyone who's been reading and become part of this blog. Thanks for everything.

Check out www.thisissand.com click on your mouse and see what happens ("c" will change colors).


Holiday Tip #23 - Go For A Walk Outside

I know, that's an odd tip, but it's Christmas eve and things are pretty much where they'll be this holiday season. That said, I like the idea of stepping out side of your environment for a bit to get a taste of what's going on around you. As i've mentioned before, if you are reading this right now, chances are you are better off than most. It's easy for us (myself included here) to forget this from time to time. So head out for a neighborhood walk tonight. Who knows what you'll find. You'll get some fresh air, clear your head, maybe even meet a new neighbor. Whatever happens, it will put you in touch with your surroundings, where you live, who you live with, and on a certain level, who you are.

I'm rambling because I'm tired, but the idea is in there somewhere.

Happy Holidays to everyone who is celebrating and thanks for tuning in.


Going a Bit Too Far?

A reader sent me a link to this article about a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who is using liposuctioned fat as biofuel. I can't decide if my favorite line is

"The vast majority of my patients request that I use their fat for fuel -- and I have more fat than I can use"


"Forbes said it is illegal in California to use medical waste to power vehicles"

And how great is it that there is a law on the books tht outlaws medical waste as a fuel source.  I don't remember that proposition passing but Id be interested in seeing where the money came from for it.

Wild times.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Make Art Not Trash

Unbelievable site full of links to art projects made from trash. Very Cool!


Holiday Tip #22 - Thanksgiving Redux

The Thanksgiving tips were such a hit that i figured I'd bring them back up to the top of the order.  A big meal is a big meal right?  Enjoy.



Day 357 - Tuesday 12/23/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 wrapper from chocolate coin - garbage
  • 1 dog chewed plastic bag (ahhh the dog) - garbage
  • 2 plastic bags from sink matts - recycle
  • 2 paper inserts from sink matts - worms
  • 3 shreded sink matts - garbage
  • 1 cardbaord from new batteries - recycle
  • 1 plastic front from new batteries - recycle
  • 1 plastic wrap from toilet paper pack - recycle
  • 1 package butternut squash soup - recycle
  • 1 bag pasta - recycle
  • 1 cardboard fish stick box

Talk about Re-Purposing!

Wow, talk about 101 uses for a beer bottle!  Someone posted this in the comments and I thought it was too cool to leave there.  This whole site is about houses that people have made out of glass bottles!  Check it out.


The Answer To Plastic Water Bottles?

OK, the real answer to the plastic water bottle problem has been with most of us all along.  Its coming out of the tap in your house and you can drink from it any time you'd like (right now even). Fill up a steel water bottle and you're good to go. But there are those areas of the world where bottled water is still a necessity and thankfully, a company named Brandimage has the answer.

I had the good fortune to interview Jim Warner, the designer of the fabulous bottle you see here (video will be up in a few days) and what I learned is truly amazing.

They have designed a bottle that can be made out of paper, bamboo, sugar cane, and all sorts of other locally sourced materials.  It is recyclable and/or biodegradable depending on which resources are used, has the same strength as a plastic water bottle, and is definitely much cooler to look at.

And if you are redesigning a sustainable water bottle, why stop there right?  They've even eliminated the need for packing pallets and plastic wrap by designing the bottles so they can be linked together into their own carrying case.  

How amazing is that?

This is exactly the type of design that we need to see in order to move forward and tackle the problems at hand.  Bravo Jim and if anyone from a bottled water company is reading this, will you please call them now!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Holiday Tip #21 - Why Buy Tinsel

I've never really understood the whole tinsel thing. You pay money for little strips of mettalic film that then get caught all over everything. That said, I;m obviously in the minority on this one. But who needs t spend good money on new tinsel? Grab some of your old chips bag (I have some in the basement if you want) and cut them up. The inside looks exactly like tinsel.

Whadya think?


Day 356 - Monday 12/22/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic ring form milk jug - recycle
  • 2 cardboard baking soda containers - recycle
  • 2 parking passes w stickers - garbage
  • 1 cardboard wrapper from new socks - recycle
  • 1 plastic hangar from new socks - garbage
  • 1 aluminum tuna can - recycle

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Week 51 Pics

I think my week count is thrown off somewhere as at the rate I'm going there will be 53 weeks in the year. Such is life. Here's the basement. As you can see, I threw a light up for these last few weeks. Much more inviting don't you think?

I actually haven't really shown this shelf that much. It's not full but i keep a bunch of tetrapaks and other stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else here.

E-waste and haz waste.

The bag o boxes. This is sort of a black hole kind of thing and I'm kind of afraid of it at this point. Every time I put another box in there I fear it will either explode or implode, either way, it won't be good.

Ye Ole bag o bags.

The garbage box that is presently being added to.

The open misc recycling bin (the third one) and my foot.

A bunch of stuff. The paper box is in the lower left hand corner and the three stacked boxes represent all of my garbage for the year.

The bottles.

And finally, the lads hard at work eating my paper and food scraps. Mmmm Mmmmm Good.

Holiday Tip #20 - Homemade Potato Pancakes

In honor of the first night of Hannukah I thought I'd throw out a recipe I found for homemade potato pancakes/latkes. Now for those of you reading along carefully at home, the irony of the fact that we just had pre-made potato pancakes a few nights ago is not lost on me. But there, dear reader, lies the rub in all of this. We are none of us perfect, yet striving for perfection, and I'm at the front of that line.

So fry up some latkes, spin that dreidel, and make sure to save all of your oil for your neighbor's veggie car!

Happy Holidays


Day 355 - Sunday 12/21/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 piece aluminum foil - recycle
  • 1 take out food boat - worms
  • 1 styrofoam take out container - recycle
  • 13 ozs paper from mail, bills, receipts, etc - worms/recycle

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Tip #19 - CFLs and Ornaments for the Tree

I may get some odd feedback on this one, but let's see what happens. Let's say you're one of those folks in the minority out there who hasn't trimmed the tree yet and you're also one of those folks who just hasn't gotten around to changing out your lightbulbs. Well, instead of running out and buying ornaments, why not go get some CFLs and hang your old Edison bulbs all over the tree? How wild would that be, and what a conversation starter.

Now i have to add that the legal team of Handerson Landers and Flynn has told me that you are trying this at your own risk and should be very careful to secure all bulbs to the tree safely, lest they fall and smash on your train set. If anyone does do this though, please post up a pic cuz I think it'd look cool.

When the 26th comes around, you can donate those bulbs to a charitable organization and help them out while you are at it.

Whadya think?


Day 354 - Saturday 12/20/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard box of potato pancakes - recycle
  • 1 frozen juice container - garbage
  • 1 cardboard pasta box - recycle
  • 1 plastic window from cardboard pasta box - garbage

Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 353 - Friday 12/19/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 glass grape juice bottle w/top - recycle
  • 1 plastic cupcake holder - recycle
  • 1 glass hard cider bottle - recycle
  • 1 plastic gadget bag - recycle
  • 1 cardboard backing from gadget packaging - recycle
  • 2 staples from gadget packaging - garbage
  • 1 plastic ring from butter spread tub - recycle
  • 2 tea lamp holders - garbage
  • 4 pieces used scotch tape - garbage

Holiday Tip #18 - Enjoy

Simply put, this just ROCKS!

Eating Out

Down and dirty today, here are a few tips on wasting less when someone else is slinging your hash.

Fast Food  OK, I know this is an odd place to start but sadly, more food is consumed daily in America at fast food establishments than at any other type of eatery. Now when you think of fast food, you think of a lot of things, but one of the big ones has got to be waste. While there are certain things you are just not going to be getting around (and I’m not even going to get into nutrition here), you do have some options.



Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday Tip #17 - Gift Idea: Orikaso Bowl

Trying to figure out last minute gifts on a budget? Why not pick up an Orikaso bowl for that special someone in your life. They only cost about $3, will help that special person in your life cut down on waste, and most importantly are SUPER COOL! REI carries them as does Sport Chalet and several other sporting good/camping stores.

Day 352 - Thursday 12/18/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 candy bar wrapper - garbage
  • 1 tea bag cover - worms
  • 1 tea bag - worms
  • 1 cliff bar wrapper - recycle
  • 1 cardboard ice cream sandwich box - recycle
  • 1 plastic ice cream sandwich tray - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag form ice cream sandwiches - recycle

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 351 - Wednesday 12/17/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 beer bottle w/top - recycle
  • 2 cardboard backings from videocassetes - recycle
  • 2 plastic windows from video cassettes - recycle
  • 2 wrappers from videocassettes - recycle
  • 1 milk jug ring - recycle
  • 1 plastic tortilla bag - recycle

Holiday Tip #16 - Go Rechargeable

According to the EPA, close to 40% of all gifts given this year will require batteries of some sort. As many of those will be the standard C,D, Multiple A, and 9 volt, why not give them a nice set of rechargeable batteries and a charger to go with it? It'll save them money, save on e-waste recycling (and landfill space as a lot of people throw these things out) and you'll be the super cool gift giver that you always wanted to be.

If you're stumped on what's watt (I sleigh myself) with batts, fear not, the internet is here!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Tip #15 - Scrap the Wrapping Paper

I've never really understood wrapping paper. You pay through the nose for something that someone is going to rip apart and throw away after one use. It's kind of nuts. Thankfully, the Japanese have had a great alternative for centuries, Furoshiki!

Furoshiki Gift Wrapping - Celebrity bloopers here

Day 350 - Tuesday 12/16/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic butter spread tub w/top PP5 - recycle
  • 1 toilet paper roll - worms
  • 1 tea bag cover - worms
  • 1 tea bag - worms
  • 2 used q-tips - worms
  • 1 paper studio pass - worms
  • 1 Cliff bar wrapper - worms
  • 1 tin can - recycle

Day 349 - Monday 12/15/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cookie bag - garbage
  • 1 plastic pasta bag - recycle
  • 1movie popcorn bag - garbage
  • 1 glass cider bottle w/top - recycle
  • 2 large pieces of scrap paper - worms
  • 1 piece of paper towel- worms
  • 18 ozs paper from mail/bills etc. - worms/recycle

Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Tip #14 - Food Glorious Food

Here's a quick link to an LA times story on 50 ideas for a homemade edible present this year.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 50 Pics

Holiday Tip #13 - Give A Little Get A Little

We try to do this with our kids, with a fair amount of success, but it occurs to me it should extend to us adults as well. In preparation for the holiday gift receiving, we try to ask the kids to go though their toys and find some things they don't use as much as they used to. Same goes for clothes and books. We then head to a local thrift store and donate them, or to a religious institution depending on what we have/they need. I think this is a really important part of the holiday season as it sets up the idea that you just can't keep getting, but you have to give as well. Spread it around a little and the stuff won't pile up as much also.


Day 348 - Sunday 12/14/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 bottle teriyaki sauce - recycle
  • 2 plastic food containers - repurpose
  • 1 chips bag - garbage
  • 1 used razor - garbage

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Day 347 - Saturday 12/13/08

Today's Haul:

  • 2 styrofoam plates - recycle
  • 1 plastic cup - recycle
  • 1 can tuna - recycle
  • 1 plastic ring from milk jug - recycle

Holiday Tip #12 - A Simple Gift For Parents

I can't believe it took me this long to think of this. DUH! Know any parents with small kids? Give them a homemade certificate for one night of babysitting! Let me tell you, as the father of two small kids, this is huge! We are always struggling to find babysitters and truthfully, if everyone we knew gave us one night of sitting (anyone oistening out there), we'd be psyched. When a sitter and a movie comes to close to $70 and that's without even getting somehting to eat, it means we rarely actually do it. But throw in a free night of babysitting and now you've got some potential.

Babysitting, I can't believe I hadn't thought of that!


Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 346 - Friday 12/12/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 plastic straw - recycle
  • 1 paper table cover - worms
  • 1 paper napkin - worms
  • 1 handful edamame shells - worms
  • 1 sticker from fishmonger - garbage
  • 1 package from advil - garbage
  • 1 broken hangar - garbage
  • 2 used q-tips - worms

Day 345 - Thursday 12/11/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 box gum - recycle
  • 1 foil packet from gum box - garbage
  • 1 plastic spaghetti bag - recycle

Holiday Tip #11 - Help Someone Else

Most people reading this post are probably fairly blessed. The mere fact that you are reading this most likely means you are educated, have a computer or access to one, have means of some sort in order to have a computer etc. But there are a lot of people less fortunate than us, especially this year when the holidays are in the midst of an economic meltdown. If you are a gift giver by nature, why not give a few less to those you love and instead give something to someone who truly needs it. You can call your local church, synagogue, mosque or any number of other religious institutions and ask if there is a family in need you could send gifts, clothes, and or money to. Sadly, many of these organizations will know people who are hurting and they are always looking for help. Going through a religious institution is a good way to connect because they will have assessed the situation on some level to assure that the family is truly in need. Another option is the Salvation Army or your local Family Services chapter. If you've never done something like this before you'll be surprised at how great it makes you feel and it is a more powerful lesson for children than i can possibly explain.  Trust me on this one.  When she's twenty, Little Suzie won't recall the Peggy Barfs-A-Lot Doll but she'll remember this.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday Tip #10 - Wild Wacky Wreaths

You want a wreath on your door but your conscience says that wasting all those evergreens and whatnot just doesn't make sense. Well Good Housekeeping has it covered with info on how to make wreaths from just about everything including Dad's old ties (how cool is that?).  And if you're not into the whole craft thing, here's a link to an edible wreath made out of a years supply of Rosemary, Thyme, Bay Leaves, and Chili Peppers.  Enjoy it during the holidays and then keep on doing so for the whole rest of the year.


Amazon's Frustration Free Packaging Initiative

This is a really interesting idea.  Amazon is starting to offer a few products in what they call Frustration Free Packaging.  While their reasoning was to keep customers from getting what they call "wrap rage" the net result is that you get the thingy you bought in a recyclable box with minimal packaging, no clam shell, no plastic bubbles, just a box.  It's an interesting concept because if they get the items in bulk and then repackage them this could change the whole packaging issue quite a bit.  Imagine if every product offered this?  Would most people seriously offer for the intensive frustrating packaging or the simple one?

If anyone takes advantage of this, please email in and let us know what the real deal is.


JunkRaft Party Saturday Night In Los Angeles

Want to see the JunkRaft in person, support a good cause, and hit up a great party all in one fell swoop? Then check out this flyer (double clicking will enlarge it).  Junkraft will be there on the front lawn and you can see what it was like to travel across the pacific in it first hand.



Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 344 - Wednesday 12/10/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 box raisin bran - recycle
  • 1 bag from raisin bran - recycle
  • 1 can salmon - recycle
  • 1 cardboard cracker box - recycle
  • 2 plastic bags form crackers - recycle
  • 1 bag of dog treats - garbage
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper - garbage

Holiday Tip #9 - Waste Free Gift Idea - Lynda.com

Here's an easy waste free gift idea, give them a month on Lynda.com. The site is a massive compendium of video tutorials on all things computer. Learn how to edit video, compress files, or even just get your computer running smoother. If you are like me you're much better at watching a 20 minute video that actually shows as it goes than sitting and reading a pdf file. I should point out that I'm not affiliated with Lynda, get nothing from them, but use them quite a bit. You can check out lot of their videos for free but as they get more serious, they charge $25 a month. So save a little cash, help someone you love master a new skill, and waste virtually (pun intended) nothing!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 343 - Tuesday 12/9/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 cardboard saline box - recycle
  • 1 electronic monitor from saline box - e-waste
  • 1 box from dog poop bags - recycle
  • 1 veggie dogs wrapper - recycle
  • 1 small compostable cup - worms
  • 1 paper napkin - worms


I teach a seminar called Chasing Sustainability to school kids, primarily 6-12th graders but sometimes younger and more and more recently on up to college, home parties and offices.  It's truly the best experience I have as it gives me a real chance to reach kids.  As far as I'm concerned, they are the answer to the problems at hand.

When I receive an unsolicited letter like the one I got last week, I can't help but be moved. The letter below is truly one of the greatest things I have ever received.  I'm sharing it (after having asked permission) because there are times when things can seem overwhelming, when the task at hand can seem too great. And at those times, it's important to have a reminder like this that shows us that each and everyone of us can have an effect, can actually make a difference.  We just have to make the effort.

So thank you Jasmine, for the bravery it took to change, for the inspiration you have given me to push further, and for all of the good that I know you are going to accomplish in the future.  

Double Click On The Pic And Make Sure to Read To The End

Green Book Publisher

If anyone knows of a good green book publisher I'm looking for one.

Holiday Tips #9 - Buy Used

OK, so you're trying to go light on the environment and go light on the ole pocket book. Why not get something used instead of new? The challenge of course is finding what they might want, so don't resort to last minute shopping on this one, you want to start early. Craigslist is a great resource and here's a good link to a used bookstore site that will let you know what's what in your area.  And when you give someone their present, let them know why you went used instead of new, it may just change their shopping habits next year.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 342 - Monday 12/8/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 glass syrup bottle w/top - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag basamati rice - recycle
  • 1 torn plastic bag - recycle
  • 1 plastic bag cashews w/sticker - garbage
  • 1 blintzes box - recycle

Holiday Tip #8 - Give A Gift That Gives Less

Can't think of anything for that person who has everything? No problem. Sign them up for a year of Greendimes and help them cut out their junk mail.  They plant 5 trees and save your friends time and hassle.  Who could ask for more?


Could you live in 100 square feet?

Heres a great article about minimalist living. Think you could do it?


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 341 - Sunday 12/7/08

Today's Haul:

  • 2 wooden ice cream taster sticks - worms
  • 1 large wad of 5 or 6 pieces paper towel covered with glitter glue - garbage
  • 1 broken dog treat bowl - garbage
  • 1 large cork - recycle
  • 1 bag cheeze puffs - garbage
  • 1 box candies - recycle

Week 49 Pics

Holiday Tip #7 - So Your Lights Won't Light

A lot of people are starting to put up holiday lights this weekend and alot of those strings are going to inexplicably not work. Fret not dear friend, help is on the way. No, I have no idea what's wrong with them, but if you finally give up on them all together, don't trash them, send them off to this company. They'll recycle the strings and send you a 15% off coupon good towards some brand spankin' new LEDs. Of course, if you just decide that holiday lights aren't really fitting into your sustainability plans, no need to buy new lights, but you can still give that coupon to a friend as an early gift right?

Thanks to joynodoubt for bringing this to my attention.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Website of the Month - The Imagination Factory

A reader named Marylin sent this months Site-o-the month in, a site that she runs for kids that teaches them about recycling and art.  It's really cool and I highly suggest checking it out.  The idea for the site revolves around using found objects to create art.  Its got lots of tips on projects to make and has a cool section called the Trash Matcher where kids can find art projects that use things that they may have.  It's really cool.

The Imagination Factory, check it out!

What's In The Basement - December


  • 1 large ball of tape
  • 1 candy bar wrapper
  • 1 paper bag with sticker
  • parts from kitchen sink
  • 2 heavy plastic box holders
  • 1 package dog treats
  • 1 package veggie dogs
  • 1 advil packet
  • 1 emergen c packet
  • 1 piece tape
  • 1 emergen c packet
  • 1 movie popcorn bag
  • 3 plastic straws
  • 1 small bag of cookies
  • 2 dog chewed candles
  • 1 foil from top of wine bottle
  • 1 wrapper from chocolate coin
  • 1 dog chewed plastic bag
  • 3 shredded sink matts
  • 2 parking passes w/stickers
  • 1 plastic hanger from new socks
  • 1 frozen juice container
  • 1 plastic window from pasta box
  • 2 staples from gadget packaging
  • 2 tea lamp holders
  • 4 pieces used scotch tape
  • 1 candy bar wrapper
  • 1 cookie bag
  • 1 movie popcorn bag
  • 1 chips bag
  • 1 used razor
  • 1 sticker from fishmonger
  • 1 package of advil
  • 1 broken hangar
  • 1 foil packet from gum box
  • 1 bog of dog treats
  • 1 piece chewed gum in wrapper
  • 1 plastic cashews bag w/stickers
  • 1 large wad of paper towels w/glitter glue
  • 1 broken dog treat bowl
  • 1 bag cheese puffs
  • 1 staple from tea bag
  • 1 handful of plaster
  • 1 coffee cup
  • 1 coffee cup
  • 2 staples from catalog
  • 2 wick holders from candle

  • 13 ozs paper from mail/bills
  • 1 small plastic bag
  • 1 cardboard box potato pancakes
  • 1 plastic bag from potato pancakes
  • 1 video cassette wrapper
  • 1 plastic cottage cheese tub pp5
  • 1 cliff bar wrapper
  • 1 plastic ricotta cheese tub pp5
  • 1 jar marinara sauce
  • 1 plastic bag mozarella cheese
  • 1 plastic wrap from masking tape
  • 1 cardbaord backing from pill crusher
  • 1 plastic cover from pill crusher
  • 1 plastic ring from wall compound spread
  • 1 dvd plastic wrap
  • 1 plastic wrap from tea bag
  • 1 large cork
  • 1 box candies
  • 1 glass syrup bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic bag basamati rice
  • 1 torn plastic bag
  • 1 blintzes box
  • 1 cardboard saline box
  • 1 box dog poop bags
  • 1 veggie dogs wrapper
  • 1 cereal box
  • 1 plastic cereal bag
  • 1 can salmon
  • 1 cardboard cracker box
  • 2 plastic bags from crackers
  • 1 gum box
  • 1 plastic spaghetti bag
  • 1 plastic cup
  • 1 aluminum tuna can
  • 1 ring from milk jug
  • 1 plastic straw
  • 2 styrofoam plates
  • 1 bottle teriyaki sauce w/top
  • 1 glass cider bottle w/top
  • 18 ozs paper from bills, mail etc
  • 1 plastic pasta bag
  • 1 plastic butter spread tub w/top PP5
  • 1 tin can
  • 1 beer bottle w/top
  • 2 cardboard backing from videocassetes
  • 1 milk jug ring
  • 1 plastic tortilla bag
  • 1 cliff bar wrapper
  • 1 cardboard ice cream sandwich box
  • 1 plastic ice cream sandwich tray
  • 1 plastic bag from ice cream sandwiches
  • 1 glass grape juice bottle w/top
  • 1 plastic cupcake holder
  • 1 glass hard cider bottle
  • 1 plastic gadget bag
  • 1 cardbaord backing from gadget packaging
  • 1 plastic ring from butter spread tub
  • 1 cardbaord pasta box
  • 1 cardboard box potato pancakes
  • 1 piece aluminum foil
  • 1 styrofoam take out container
  • 13 ozs paper from mail, bills, receipts
  • 1 aluminum tuna can
  • 1 cardboard wrapper from new socks
  • 1 plastic ring from milk jug
  • 2 cardboard baking soda containers
  • 1 cardboard from new battery
  • 1 plastic front from new battery
  • 1 plastic wrap from toilet paper pack
  • 1 package butternut squash soup
  • 1 pasta bag
  • 2 plastic bags from sink matts
  • 1 margarita mix bottle
  • 1 cardbaord candle box
  • 2 plastic bags from toys
  • 1 cereal box
  • 1 bag from cereal box
  • 1 soda can
  • 1 plastic take out top
  • 1 cardboard bread box mix
  • 1 plastic bag from bread mix
  • 1 cardboard box frozen fish
  • 1 plastic bag from frozen fish
  • 2 aluminum tuna cans
  • 12 ozs paper from bills
  • 1 cardboard box from fish sticks
  • plastic pasta bag
  • 1 razor blade
  • 3 thin plastic bags from backdrops
  • 1 plastic ring from milk
  • 1 wine bottle
  • 1 cork from wine bottle
  • 9 volt battery
  • 1 electronic monitor from aline box
  • 3 9 volt batteries
  • 8 cans old paint

Pixar Misses the Point

I've always been a big fan of Pixar pictures and as I wrote this past summer, liked WallE for the reasons you might expect. An animated movie from one of the best studios going, about a trash machine that is cleaning up the planet after humans have trashed it due to unchecked wasteful practices. Sign me up.

So I was quite dismayed when I visited a friend down the street the other day and found what had come in their Los Angeles Times that day. A 10 oz, glossy printed, beautifully bound, 12" x 9 1/2" booklet on the movie. You see here in Los Angeles, Oscar fever is already starting and apparently the folks at Pixar wanted all of the voting members of the Academy to think of WallE. And what better way than to send them to all 815,723 subscribers (I'm guessing here but if the neighbors and several other non voting, non industry folks got them, I'm assuming a lot more did).

What an incredible waste. A waste of resources (paper, ink, time) and a waste of energy (to print them and then to deliver the extra weight). But it doesn't stop there.

WallE was all about how we as a planet need to shape up and start wasting less, start living a little cleaner, dare I say, more sustainably. So I opened it up hoping to find tips on how to waste less, conserve more, recycle, repurpose, you name it. Instead I found quotes from the top film critics on how great the movie was, and truly beautiful images from the film itself. The only thing remotely environmental was on the bottom left corner of the back cover of the entire thing.

Amazing. Amazing and sad all at the same time. Pixar, I give you an A plus for the message behind the movie, but a D (I'm being generous) on not recognizing that the message should apply to us all.


Holiday Tip #6 - Give An Experience

This holiday season, instead of going out and buying stuff, why not give a lesson or two.  Music lessons, art lessons, gardening lessons, pottery lessons, you name it.  If you surf your local craiglist, paper or even ask at the library, you can find knowledgeable folks who can teach just about anything.  Find out what your loved one has always wanted to do, and give them the gift of knowledge!  No packaging, no standing in line, and your pumping money back into your local economy.  Sure i want a turnip twadler, but compared to learning how to play the bagpipes (honey, are you reading this?) does it compare?  I think not.


Day 340 - Saturday 12/6/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 paper napkin - worms
  • 1 paper flyer - worms
  • 1 tea bag - recycle
  • 1 staple from tea bag - garbage
  • 1 plastic wrap from tea bag - recycle

Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 339 - Friday 12/5/08

Today's Haul:

  • 1 dvd plastic wrap - recycle
  • 1 plastic ring from wall compound - recycle
  • 1 handful of plaster - garbage

Holiday Tip #5 - Gift Lotteries

I'm the first to say that the holidays shouldn't be defined by gift giving, but there is a reality that can't be avoided.  Many of us enjoy getting and receiving gifts this time of year, partly for nostalgic reasons and partly because it's fun to see what someone got you.  The big problem isn't really in the receiving a gift column, but moreso in the receiving 20 gifts column.  So how about changing things up a bit.

Get your family, friends, office workers together and put everyone's name in a hat.  Everyone pulls one name and that's the only person they need to get a gift for.  But here's the catch.  They can only get that person something used that they think that individual would actually want.  this adds to the fun as far as I'm concerned because it makes it  bit of a treasure hunt at the same time.  IF you know the person, you can really think about who they are and what their interests are, and if you don't, well, get to know them.  Starting this process around now will give you the time to research an idea and source a used gift - afterall, you can't just walk into Walmart and buy what you were looking for.

If you want to spice it up, add a no wrapping paper rule and tell everyone they need to figure out wrapping using something that is biodegradable or can be re-used.

And finally, for some added fun, make the gift a two parter.  We all have things that have been given to us that we never actually wanted in the first place, so how about in addition to the gift you get for them, adding something you have that you never wanted in the first place (no trash, just that old guy who blows bubbles out of his butt that Aunt Phyllis ave you last year).  One persons trash is another persons treasure and at the very least, you'll be clearing out some closet space.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Tip #4 - Used Vegetable Oil Menorahs

Technically speaking oil menorahs are supposed to use pure olive oil, but it seems like in today's world, why not re-use something you've already got.  It works in cars, why not in your menorah?  Besides, the turkey smell the oil gives off will make the room smell real nice.

Day 338 - Thursday 12/4/08

Todays Haul:

  • 2 local papers - worms
  • 1 rubber band from local paper - repurpose
  • 1 string from local newspaper - worms
  • 1 plastic wrap from masking tape - recycle
  • 1 cardboard backing from pill crusher - recycle
  • 1 plastic cover from pill crusher - recycle
  • 3 9 volt batteries - e-waste
  • 2 sugar packets - worms
  • 1 coffee cup - garbage
  • 1 muffin wrap - worms
  • 1 napkin - worms

Too Much Packaging?

A reader named Craig sent this in a few weeks ago.  Seems like a little overkill for software that could probably be downloaded no?

Thanks for sharing Craig.


"I ordered my new years worth of Norton 360 from Office Depot online, and it just arrived! The software is in a box about the size of a small book, yet they shipped it to me in a box measuring 16x12x10 inches. I'm not kidding! I thought they must have made a mistake and sent me the wrong order, but when I opened it, there was the little box of software sitting inside the huge box! Thought you would enjoy the comedy of it all."

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 337 - Wednesday 12/3/08

Todays Haul:

  • 1 package dog treats - garbage
  • 1 package veggie dogs (w/stickers) - garbage
  • 3 thin plastic bags from backdrop rolls - recycle
  • 1 plastic ring from milk - recycle
  • 1 wine bottle - recycle
  • 1 wine bottle cork - recycle

Holiday Tip #3 - Save A Tree

A lot of people get Christmas trees this time of year and there is a fair amount of debate about fake, real, live, you name it. Your best bet on the enviro front is to plant one and use it year after year. If that's not an option, how about renting one? Don't believe you can? Check out this piece from Terrapass all about Christmas tree options including rental opportunites in the left coast.


Black Friday and the Ten Commandments

I wrote this up for Care2 and thought some of you may find it of interest.


I’ve been trying to write up the piece I had planned for today and I just can’t do it. It’s tough to talk about a little pink mouse when there is a huge white elephant standing in the room, stepping on your toe. That white elephant of course, is Black Friday.